Christian Totti Takes the Field Amid Criticism, Supported by Father Francesco at Serie D Debut

by time news

Olbia-Ilvamaddalena, Cristian Totti also takes the field after recent attacks. In the stands is dad Francesco.

Marco Amelia has read the criticisms, listened to the haters speak of one of his players in less than flattering terms (to put it mildly) in recent days. The response? He chose to field Cristian Totti, son of Francesco, in the first match of the 2024/2025 Serie D championship against Ilvamaddalena.

Attacked on social media for his weight, Cristian Totti was included in the five-man midfield set up by Amelia for the regional derby against the La Maddalena club. Alongside De Grazia and Bianchi, the son of the famous player had his chance to fend off the attacks online.

In the stands of Nespoli, besides a home crowd that has long supported him in these days, giving him an applause also during the match against Ilvamaddalena, there was also dad Francesco, who wanted to be close to his son for the first match of the championship.

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