Christmas, for Qvc Italia community gifts that are increasingly digital

by time news

More and more multimedia, both in terms of purchase and in the choice of products, with excellent stability in sectors such as fashion and accessories and beauty and a constant growth in electronics. These are the main trends regarding Italian Christmas gifts that emerged from an analysis conducted by Qvc Italy, a reference player thanks to its multi-channel platform that combines TV, web and social media with a unique entertainment and shopping offer, on the behavior of its community in view of the holidays. In particular, the period from 24 October to 9 December 2021 was considered, which is doubly significant.

First of all because it is the moment in which a significant part of Italians dedicate themselves to purchases in view of the holidays, as confirmed by the Codacons according to which 39% of the gifts would be bought in particular around the end of November. And also because the comparison with the same period of 2020, made unique by the restrictions of the pandemic, allows us to understand which habits induced by the health emergency have taken root until Christmas 2021. From this point of view, the Qvc Italia observatory offers a privileged and relevant point of view, thanks to the richness of the assortment of products from numerous categories and the most prestigious brands and the multi-channel nature of the shopping experience that make it a well-representative cross-section of the general trends of the sector.

The choices of the Qvc community in the period considered confirmed the prevalence of product categories consolidated in the platform’s offer. In front of all that of fashion and accessories, with a growth of 4% compared to 2020, followed by the home and beauty sectors, jewelry and electronics. And the latter marks the most evident positive trend compared to the previous year, with an increase in absolute numbers of almost 14%. While IHousehold items in particular are on the decline, which on the other hand had great relevance in 2020 when, due to the pandemic, homes became a much more lived-in place, from work to private life, and it was therefore necessary to make them more functional and welcoming.

Electronics is also the main indicator of a further dynamic which, which began in 2020, appears to have become structural in 2021 consumer preferences and in the services guaranteed by companies: that of online purchases and the increasingly widespread diffusion of e-commerce. As confirmed by a Confesercenti-Swg research according to which this year, despite a greater possibility of accessing physical stores than twelve months ago thanks to the relaxation of restrictions, online remains the most popular means for gifts with the 55 % of preferences.

The Qvc community is also experiencing this digital transition. In fact, if the main purchase channel remains the one through the live shows of the television channel with the order through the call center, in the 5 main product categories, in each of the same sectors the incidence of shopping on the site is increasing with an upward trend compared to 2020 for all sectors except the fashion and accessories sector which has remained substantially stable. And the peculiar predisposition of those who buy electronic items stands out, probably strong in a greater habit of digital that accompanies the interest in hi-tech devices. In 2020 Qvc International (which includes Qvc Italy, Qvc Germany, Qvc Uk and Qvc Japan) had e-commerce revenues of $ 1.4 billion (46% of total sales).

Going into the detail of the individual products purchased, the general trend changes slightly, with home and beauty products that surpass fashion and accessories in a logic in which obviously the price of the various items has a significant relevance. Like this from a quantitative point of view, beauty monopolizes the first 3 places, with particular attention to health. In fact, in the first and third position there are two food supplements and between them there is a set consisting of a product for the eye contour and a facial cleanser. To complete the top 5 two items for the home that can become perfect Christmas decorations: a set of scented candles and led lights.

If, on the other hand, we consider the economic value, the care of the house and of the person are the masters. In front of all a high-tech laser brush followed by a multifunction food processor, while in the fourth and fifth position there are two items for hair care: a hairdryer and a set consisting of a plate, comb and brush. Among them is the electronics for entertainment, with a 48-inch ultra HD TV in third position.

As regards the geographical origin of the buyers, Lombardy confirms the decisive primacy of 2020. Behind it are Lazio, Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Piedmont – the same 5 regions that were also at the top in 2020. It is also interesting note how in all these areas the main purchasing sectors, after fashion and accessories, are in the beauty and home order. Second and third place that instead are reversed above all in the south and in the islands, as happens for example in Campania, Sicily, Puglia, Calabria and Sardinia.

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