Christmas is the best time to conceive babies but watch out for holiday excesses

by time news

Winter, and the period of the Christmas festivities, turns out to be the most favorable for conceiving a child, thanks to a series of factors, from the more relaxed atmosphere which ‘helps’, to the scientific evidence that spermatozoa in winter are more ‘in health’. But those looking for a child must pay attention to the excesses of the holidays, starting with food, taking precautions on the choice and quality of food. “Surely the relaxed atmosphere of the holidays helps, but there are also studies according to which the majority of conceptions occur during the winter months, specifically between Christmas and New Year’s, with a peak of births in the summer”, explains Daniela Galliano, specialist in obstetrics , Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine.

“In fact – he adds – you conceive more when it’s colder and therefore in the summer months you will be more exposed to an increase in vitamin D levels, which has a positive impact on pregnancy. During the Christmas holidays then you have more free time and you are more relaxed. A path of Pma has already begun, a moment of detachment from the frenetic rhythms of the daily routine to enjoy the family and the serenity of the Christmas holidays will be of great benefit for conception, where there are no important causes that hinder it, remembering however – he admonishes – that the maxim of eating for two is not worth it”.

“The greatest will for a mother is to make lifestyle and nutritional choices that can guarantee optimal development of the child”, comments Sara Farnetti, specialist in Internal Medicine and Metabolic Pathophysiology. “It often happens that the mother imposes limitations and restrictions on herself which are not really that important and which instead represent great discomfort for the woman, a reason for psychological stress. We all know – recalls the nutritionist – that it is good to pay attention to the hygiene of the foods to avoid food poisoning from salmonella or toxoplasma. Avoiding raw foods such as fish and meat is certainly recommended and poultry, pork, sausages, molluscs and crustaceans are those most at risk”.

“However, the most solid recommendation – he explains – is to be attentive to the origin of the foods we buy, to store them correctly, for example meat should be placed on the lowest shelf of the fridge where vegetables usually end up instead, or choose quality restaurants.It is not necessary to exclude raw vegetables, especially when we can wash them well, under running water, nor is it necessary to leave the fruit and vegetables to soak in disinfectant solutions which risk being absorbed by the vegetables and are not certainly wholesome.”

And again: “it’s good not to let yourself be discouraged by inappropriate questions about pregnancy research, which family members often ask us during the holidays”, advises Galliano, recalling that “almost one in 5 couples have infertility problems, which already creates a lot of stress and agitation and it is important not to add more embarrassment or anxiety. So stop the classic phrase during Christmas lunch “and you? When you have a child?”, he admonishes.

In addition to family reunions, the holiday season brings many sweet treats to the table. “Sweets are not forbidden during pregnancy, however the desire to eat them is very difficult to manage because it is sometimes irrepressible and in any case stronger than before the pregnancy. Sara Farnetti continues -. It is a hormonal balance that supports it, it is not just a behaviour, but a biochemical need that should not be indulged, but cured. I recommend implementing corrective strategies: eat half a first course, avoid fruit at the end of the meal, do not consume roasted potatoes, ban non-alcoholic cocktails and centrifuges or fruit juices and, dulcis in fundo, concludes by filling, only once, a dessert plate with mixed sweets, of your choice”, he concludes.

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