Christmas of concern for 50 thousand workers at risk of dismissal. The open crisis tables decrease, but the unions: ‘Apparent decline’

by time news

There are over 50 thousand Italian workers in industry and services who spend Christmas with the concern for one’s job: the datum was calculated by CGIL who recalled that there are also other difficult situations. Starting with that of 2,500 navigators for which the contract is expiring. Two days ago, good news arrived for the 390 employees of the Gkn of Campi Bisenzio near Florence. The Borgomeo group htook over the plant from the English Melrose fund. It is not yet the happy ending but a temporary solution that for now removes the fear of layoffs. After the conversion of the production, a new buyer will be sought for the Florentine company.

The crisis tables that remain open to the Ministry of Economic Development I’m almost 70. A number that has halved in the last two years (there were 149 in December 2019) despite the economic crisis linked to Covid. But, according to Uilm, it may have shrunk only due to the lack of reconvocation or for the waiver of facing some disputes. “We do not have the impression – says the national secretary Gianluca Ficco – that the disputes are decreasing, indeed. Rather I think that the apparent decline is due to the fact that some are considered irrecoverable or to the fact that the ministry postpones the convocation of tables that we have been asking to reopen for some time “.

The approximately 70 tables involve over 33 thousand workers – underlines the CGIL. To these are added others 25 thousand employees interested in renovations come i 16 thousand engaged in telecommunications, 3 thousand in the footwear sector and 7,700 of the air one. Among the open tables, those of the steel industry with over 12 thousand employees involved between the establishments of Piombino (Jsw steel) and Taranto (Acciaierie d’Italia). But part of the large distribution with the French group Carrefour who announced 769 redundancies. And among the companies for which a table is open there is also Blutec which includes the site of Termini Imerese (around 900 employees at risk), a plant closed by the then Fiat 10 years ago.

“There are few disputes that have so far found a solution – he explains Silvia Spera, in charge of “Complex industrial crisis areas” of the CGIL. Among the few happy endings that of the company Propeller, which produces extractor hoods. After the workers’ strikes and with the resources made available by the government, the property has retraced its steps bringing important productions back to Italy. “There are dozens and dozens of situations – says Spera – that are still open and for which one solution is not yet at hand“. In order to be able to give concrete answers to these thousands of workers “it is necessary for the country to equip itself with a overall industrial project where we also identify the tools to safeguard our industrial system and at the same time we intervene on innovation and research to position our industrial system in a European driving and guiding role “.

Among the crises that have most enlivened the last period, that of Whirlpool of Naples. The 310 employees are in Naspi (unemployment allowance, ed) after receiving compensation from the US multinational. In theory, a consortium of companies under the patronage of the Mise should take shape in the coming months to try to give the Campania plant a future. The future of Air Italy and its approximately 1,400 employees, a crisis that does not seem to receive due attention, perhaps also because it is owned by Qatar Airways. Letters of dismissal could arrive from 1 January. Due to lack of funds, the budget law did not pass an amendment for the layoffs of airline employees.

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