Christophe Galtier, the rigor and the grip in the absence of the European experience

by time news

PSG on Tuesday inducted its new coach Christophe Galtier, who said he was “capable” of taking up the challenge, with an obvious, absolute, priority objective, the Champions League. The Parisian club has chosen to hire one of the most regular technicians of the last decade in France, but probably also the least experienced coach on the European scene of the Qatari era.

A skilled technician and excellent communicator, Christophe Galtier remains a fairly inexperienced coach at the highest level of European football, but his strong character has won over Paris Saint-Germain, in search of a French profile, less “bling-bling” than his predecessors.

Officially appointed coach for two years on Tuesday, July 5, replacing Argentinian Mauricio Pochettino, the 55-year-old Marseille native has never before led a group with so many world stars, no more than he has won every Champions League game in six games (one draw, five defeats in 2019-20).

The new pilot of the Parisian ship, surprise French champion in 2021 at the head of Lille, treated his entry on Tuesday during his first press conference, admitting that he understood “skeptical people” about his inexperience in European games. , but also ensuring that he will be able to “impose” his grip on a five-star locker room.

“I measure very precisely the responsibility given to me. I have prepared for it,” he insisted. “If I have accepted these responsibilities, it is because I am capable of it.”

Will he be able to answer the questions by his propensity to rely on the executives of his team? Christophe Galtier promised that he would adapt “to the workforce and to (his) disposition” but there will be “no compromise”.

“Respect, requirement, work” will be the key words, “there will be no player above the team” and “if unfortunately players leave this framework, they will be dismissed”, he said. struck without detour.

After having assured that he had “put aside (his) origins” and his past as an OM player, he also confirmed that no player would be recruited without his agreement, also conceding that the workforce should “be reduced”, without giving, however, the names of his undesirables. “You can’t have players in the locker room who aren’t playing, because when you don’t play you’re unhappy,” he said.

“Galette” also knows that in Paris, “you have to play well”: “there will be a different approach to the game” compared to his former clubs, assured “Galette”, while announcing that he was leaning towards a tactical scheme with three central defenders.

If the former defender, trained in Marseille and passed by Lille, Toulouse, Monza and Liaoning Yuandong, in China, did not win any club title during his honest career as a player, it is on the benches that he has writes the most beautiful lines of his charts.

First assistant to Bernard Casoni at OM, then N.2 at Aris Salonique (Greek D1) and Bastia, he cut his teeth alongside Alain Perrin, notably winning the Coupe de France in 2007 with Sochaux before the Cup-Championship double with Lyon the following year.

Seven years with the Greens

With Saint-Étienne, OL’s great rival, he made his big debut as head coach in 2009, starting a love affair with ASSE for more than seven years, marked in particular by a victory in the Coupe de la League (2013), several European campaigns and a title of best L1 coach in 2013, tied with Carlo Ancelotti, then in charge … of PSG.

Arrived at the bedside of Lille after the Marcelo Bielsa fiasco at the end of 2017, Galtier will succeed in keeping the club in L1 in 2018, then leading it to second place…then to consecration in May 2021, by dethroning Paris for the national title to everyone’s surprise, supported by the sports director Luis Campos, whom he finds in Paris.

Reputed to be close to his very international locker room at LOSC, Galtier does not hesitate to bang his fist on the table when necessary, even if it means sanctioning a player who does not respect the collective.

Thus, he dismissed Portuguese midfielder Xeka for the crucial match at the Parc des Princes (1-0), which launched the final sprint in April 2021, due to “inappropriate and inappropriate behavior”.

A great communicator

After a lackluster season in Nice, where he was a finalist in the Coupe de France and finished 5th in L1, the technician arrives in Paris where he will have a lot to do to manage the egos of his superstars and will have to be fair. and uncompromising.

Everyone who worked with him agrees that beyond his coaching skills, Galtier is a great communicator.

“He is in constant reflection. He will surprise. He is also a seducer in the good sense of the term. He took communication training when he was younger. It is an important part of his job. His analysis goes beyond the field. It’s his trademark, “reminds AFP Philippe Lyonnet, former director of communication of Saint-Étienne.

“He has this ability to convey messages. He is an actor. He will place his ideas. For PSG, you have to be a good communicator,” he added.

Cataloged as a defensive coach with a game based on transition, Galtier will have a lot to prove at the head of the Parisian armada. And he knows that his longevity will depend a lot on his career in the Champions League, where he is still inexperienced. But the Marseillais seems ready to take up the challenge.

With AFP

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