chromium foods, these 6 foods are high in chromium… eat at least a little every day – chromium rich foods in tamil

by time news

Chromium is one of the most important nutrients our body needs. To get this naturally, it is important to include certain vegetables and fruits and nuts in your daily diet. Here are some foods that are high in chromium.

Chromium-rich grape juice

Grape juice is high in chromium. One cup (200 ml) of grape juice contains 7.5 mg of chromium. This is almost 21 percent of our daily chromium requirement.

Grape juice is also rich in vitamin C. So it is better to include some raisins in your diet.

Chromium-rich whole wheat

Unrefined whole wheat is rich in chromium. By including products made from unrefined wheat in our daily diet we can meet the body’s requirement of chromium.

A quarter cup of whole wheat provides 4 grams of chromium.

Chromium rich yeast

Yeast used in baking is high in chromium. Plus the good bacteria will be overproduced.

The fermentation properties in it keep blood sugar levels under control and help control type 2 diabetes.

Orange juice is rich in chromium

Orange juice is high in vitamin C. It also contains chromium. But don’t necessarily opt for packaged juice.

A 200 ml serving of orange juice contains approximately 2.2 micrograms of chromium. It meets 6 percent of our daily chromium requirement.

Chromium-rich tomato juice

Tomato juice is one of the drinks that help keep the body fresh. It is high in chromium.

200 ml of tomato juice contains 1.5 micrograms of chromium. It meets 4 percent of our daily requirement of chromium.

It also contains lycopene, vitamins A, C and E.

Chromium rich apple

Apples are rich in chromium. 200 grams of apples provide 1.4 micrograms of chromium. This also helps us get 4 percent of our daily chromium requirement.

The polyphenyls and soluble fibers in apples control hunger for a long time and give you a full stomach.

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