“Chronic bowel disease on the rise among children”

by time news

“Inflammatory bowel diseases (Inflammatory Pediatrics) in Italy are on the increase. Precisely for this reason it is necessary that hospitals and paediatrics are organized to manage pediatric chronicity in a system tailored to guarantee the care of the child. In Italy the level of assistance is high, but we must keep the standard high”. Thus Claudio Romano, president of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (Sigenp) on the sidelines of the 29th National Congress of Digestive Diseases promoted by Fismad in Rome.

The incidence of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease has practically doubled in the last decade – according to a Sigenp study – reaching around 2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the age of 18 and in the last three years close to 4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants among the over 18s. An increasing trend, but “in Northern Europe and North America we are at 13.5 cases – adds Romano – The trend is therefore increasing”.

Disorders of the digestive system that affect the pediatric age “can be acute and chronic – remarks the expert – Our main commitment is on chronic pathologies that can begin even in the very first years of life and which persist over the years, throughout the existence. The goal is to recognize these pathological conditions early and to deal with the chronicity together with the family with the psychosocial aspects, guarantee all the stages of development, to give a life as natural as possible and we work across the board with psychologists and nurses in our centers . The child must be managed by pediatricians in pediatric facilities ”he concludes.

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