Chronic cough after recovering from covids. Is it Long covid? Which type should go to the doctor?

by time news

Coughing for months after recovering from coronavirus Is there a risk of pneumonia? Should I go for a health check? Let’s check the symptoms that are warning signs and should pay attention. Better hurry to see a doctor.

if symptomschronic coughafter recovering fromcovid 19 And for a long time, I believe that many people are beginning to worry that the cough that is present is dangerous or not. Is it beyond the general long covid or not, which this kind of health problem should not be ignored. Because if there really is an abnormality, it can spread far and wide. Therefore, anyone who has a chronic cough after recovering from Covid-19, come to check which type should not be left. You need to see a doctor for a checkup.

Recovered from covid but still coughing Why is that?

Even though I have been cured of COVID-19 for a while, some people still have a chronic cough. And this is also considered to be one of the most common Long Covid symptoms. The reason why I still cough is because the body has been infected with germs. The immune system will try to fight off germs and find a way to excrete them from the body. Therefore, coughing is the body’s reaction to try to get rid of the infection as much as possible.

However, coughing can inflame the tissues and swell. When you’re infected, the more you cough, the more inflammation and swelling. until it disappears After recovering from coronavirus, some people continue to cough from inflammation and swelling of the tissue that remains. Even if in our body there is no covid infection. A chronic cough can last as long as a week, or up to 180 days after recovering from coronavirus.

How does chronic cough relieve cough?

Chronic cough after recovering from covid

If your chronic cough is a result of Long-Covid The body will have symptoms until the body fully recovers. However, we have some ways to relieve cough symptoms such as

  • Take frequent sips of warm or room temperature water.
  • Sip warm water mixed with honey. To help reduce throat irritation and inflammation in the throat.
  • Avoid cold water and cold items of any kind, such as bingsu, shaved ice, ice cream, as they can stimulate a cough.
  • Moisturize your throat with candy cough lozenges or throat spray
  • If you have a strong cough can take cough medicine Or take cough medicines that contain herbal ingredients such as gooseberry, tamarind, which has an expectorant effect, moistening the throat.
  • Take a slow breath, allowing the air to pass through the back of your throat. Oxygen and air can add moisture. Helps to moisturize the throat
  • try to lie on your side or sleep on high pillows
  • exercise regularly to stimulate the body’s immune system to recover from illness faster
  • Get a good night’s sleep

If you cough until tired until all annoyed Try to relieve cough with these methods. however If any suspicious symptoms are found should pay special attention to the symptoms as well

Any type of chronic cough, you need to pay attention to take yourself to the doctor.

Chronic cough after recovering from covid

For people who have a chronic cough after recovering from COVID and found the following abnormalities: I need to pay attention.

  • unusual cough Either the coughing gets more frequent, the cough gets worse, or the coughing sound changes.
  • The color and nature of the sputum changes, for example, the sputum becomes thicker and more viscous. or bloody sputum
  • Persistent, heavy cough for more than 3 months
  • In addition to coughing, there are other symptoms as well, such as

– have a fever
– chest pain
– fast heartbeat
– Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath

If you have a chronic cough with any of the above symptoms It can be a warning sign of another dangerous condition, such as lung disease or heart disease, so don’t be complacent and let it go. It is recommended to hurry to check your health with a doctor as soon as possible.

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