chronic pain for 28% of Italians, social media campaign to find out more

by time news

2023-07-04 16:04:00

About 28% of the Italian population suffers from chronic pain – back pain, headaches, muscle or bone pain. A widespread condition, but of which little is said. This is why the campaign ‘And you know what it feels like? Overcoming pain is possible’, promoted by Sandoz with the patronage of Aisd (Italian Association for the Study of Pain), FederDolore Sicd, Isal Foundation, Onda Foundation (National Observatory on Women’s and Gender Health) and Simg (Italian Society of General medicine). Objective: to inform citizens correctly and at the same time simply and directly about what chronic pain is, why it is important not to underestimate it and what can be done to overcome it. At the heart of the initiative is an ironic video interpreted by the comedian couple Corrado Nuzzo and Maria Di Biase, which in addition to being launched on the artists’ social profiles will arrive in Italian cinemas in the autumn. Added to this is the information on the ‘Scelte di Salute’ web page ( and information materials) which will be distributed in pharmacies starting next September.

The need for more information – reads a note – is confirmed by the results of the survey ‘Chronic pain in the population’ promoted by the Onda Foundation with the unconditional support of Sandoz, and carried out by Elma Research. The analysis of the responses of the sample, representative of the Italian population and made up of 600 men and women, reveals that 34% have direct experience with chronic pain, but only 23% have received a specific diagnosis. The impact on quality of life is also noteworthy: about 60% of those who experience it define it as severe pain (scores over 7 on the Pain rating scale), which significantly interferes with the patient’s daily life and psycho-physical well-being. “But what strikes us most is the delay with which this disabling condition is recognized – comments Nicoletta Orthmann, medical-scientific coordinator of the Onda Foundation – The patient waits about 2 years before turning to a reference figure, often the doctor of family, and it takes about 3 years from the onset of symptoms to the actual diagnosis at the hands of the specialist of reference for the main pathology”.

Faced with pains such as back pain, headaches, musculoskeletal pains that have lasted for over 3 months, 57% of those interviewed ask for information on medicines, 53% on specialists to contact, 52% on tests and to undergo, in order to try to alleviate a suffering that has a strong impact on the quality of life.

“Chronic pain is defined as persistent, continuous or recurrent pain that has lasted for more than 3 months – explains Maria Caterina Pace, full professor of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University of Campania L. Vanvitelli of Naples and past president of Aisd – Unlike acute pain, which is triggered by a specific disease or injury, chronic pain loses connection to its underlying cause and can become a disease itself.It is therefore critical that pain is recognized and treated early in the disease process. context of a global management according to the diagnostic-therapeutic guidelines linked to the specific pain conditions”. However, the photograph taken by Elma Research shows that this does not happen in many cases: on average, those suffering from chronic pain turn to the pharmacist after 6-7 months and only later, after 2 years, to the doctor. The result is a diagnostic delay that only worsens the patients’ conditions, the note underlines.

The survey also describes in detail through which channel citizens want to receive information on chronic pain: general practitioners (67%), together with specialists and pain specialists (47% and 45% respectively), represent the priority sources. The web and information brochures follow, respectively indicated by 40% and 30% of respondents. Hence the need to inform and make people responsible for the importance of taking charge of oneself and one’s health, without underestimating the symptoms and contacting the reference health professionals.

“Chronic pain inevitably affects all spheres of everyday life – underlines Mauro Noviello, Head BU Retail & Specialty of Sandoz – With this campaign we are once again renewing Sandoz’s commitment alongside institutions, scientific societies, civic and patient associations to raise awareness the population in Italy on the treatment of pain. Our hope is that citizens are increasingly informed and aware so that, by turning to the doctor and specialists in time, they can undertake the right path of treatment and overcome pain”. Comment Nuzzo and Di Biase: “Comedy allows you to spread important messages in a light but effective way and above all without trivializing real life situations. A joke stays in your head, immediately leaves a mark, but settles and, later, it can also arouse a deeper reflection. We hope with our video to help spread the right not to suffer and to cure chronic pain”.

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