Chronic sadness on the rise and happiness on the decline: how is the mood of Argentine society this year?

by time news

2024-08-04 04:02:47

Not like good times to live in Argentina, at least in terms of trouble and happiness: two studies presented this week by researchers from the Trends Observatory of Siglo XXI University show rises and falls. On the one hand, the number of residents who say they feel like they are working “burn“. And, on the other hand, more than 60% of those surveyed said that they are not satisfied with their current situation, an area that is compatible with happiness.

“Him sleeping a weakness that appears when people are exposed to a situation of chronic and severe stress. And it is a parameter that has been measured – through annual surveys – since 2018,” he explained to PROFILE the doctor Luis Moreradirector of the University’s Social Trends Observatory, and one of the authors of the study.

The professor explains that this situation is investigated through questions that measure, among other things, the person’s personal vulnerability, something that goes beyond simple daily fatigue.

The authorities don’t like this

Professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is the reason why he always annoys those who believe that they are the true riches.

The employee’s challenge: avoid burnout

“In this year’s research, conducted on a a representative group of 1,050 residents from across the country, 32% answered us that at the end of the day they feel that way is exhausted that it is not possible for you to participate in other activities. And 24% added another piece of information: that He cannot rest at the end of the working day“And that makes it difficult for him to start a new day,” Morera said.

According to experts, when analyzing these conditions by age, the group between 50 and 59 years old also has a higher sleeping level than other age groups.

This is not a trivial matter because this situation is associated with direct consequences on mental health of people (eg, increased risk of depression and anxiety). And it also increases the chances of developing certain physical conditions, such as cardiovascular conditions.

Another striking point that the recent data from the Observatory shows is that the deterioration in quality of life associated with the increase in this phenomenon is something that has been increasing for a long time. At least since 2018. “But the levels of chronic stress up to this year are among the highest rates in recent times.”

Happiness on the decline

The concept of happiness is associated with well-being and with personal judgments and evaluations about life satisfaction in personal life. And Observatory researchers they get in following through various questions.

“What we found in this last measurement is that the levels of happiness of Argentines They are less compared to those measured during 2023. And, again, they are lower values ​​than those shown in recent years,” Morera pointed out. In these items, for example, the observed values ​​are 3.5% lower than those analyzed last year in the same questionnaire.

Burn-out is a disease and is more common than you think

In particular, only 50.7% of those surveyed said they were satisfied with their lives and only one in three (36.6%) said they were “satisfied” with how their daily lives are going.

By opening the answers and dividing them according to the age of the respondents, the researchers found that almost all age groups recorded a decrease in their happiness levels so far this year, except for the youngest. “While the least happy turned out to be people between 50 and 59 years old, contrary to this trend, the group of people between 18 and 29 years old was the only one who said – this year – to be the most ‘happy’ the year 2023 goes. ,” he explained.

All this They are not small positions. And they are not only thinking about general health but also influence witchcraft: “Emotional survival is essential for population development. From an economic perspective, the sleeping and low happiness not only affects people’s quality of life and social harmony, but also has an impact on work. That is why this problem requires the attention of everyone: the public sector, the private sector, the third sector and professionals,” said the comment psychiatrist Leonardo Medranothe University’s academic secretary and an expert on these topics.

What strategies can be used to change these trends?? Obviously it’s a personal thing, but it is known that exercise is a possible medicine to deal with these conditions. “It’s not about watching networks or TV series to relax, something more connected to ‘passive’ leisure. Instead, he looks for things related to creative leisure, which allows us to develop and acquire better resources to deal with stress and anxiety. Something that, in the end, will not allow us to be happy,” the researchers concluded.

Small rift in couples?

In another recent social survey, conducted on the world of 1,250 people, by the group of Pulsar Observatory of the University of Buenos Aires, specializing in public policy studies; Researchers document an interesting trend: a decline in people’s acceptance of political differences to affect personal relationships.

Chronic sadness on the rise and happiness on the decline: how is the mood of Argentine society this year?

The main question is: Can you be in a relationship with a person who has political views that are opposite to yours? 69% answered yes. “And this,” according to experts, “shows a significant decrease in people who allow political differences to affect their social relationships. This change suggests that differences at the individual level may be reduced. You may also have a possible suggestion reduction of the Polarization of the society.

In the publication, social scientists note that “this may be indicative greater openness and tolerance to different political opinions”.

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