Chronodisruptors: social networks

by time news

2023-07-18 08:54:52

Leaving your mobile phone out of the room when you sleep, not looking at screens in the middle of the night, silencing all notifications… These are some of the recommendations that Dr. María José Martínez of the Spanish Sleep Society (SES) offers to avoid chronodisruption or the alterations of our biological clock

According to a report from the Spanish Sleep Society (SES)he daily use of social media has increased considerably in recent years. While in 2012 the average usage figure was 90 minutes a dayin 2022 it reached 151.

Electronic devices and social networks, in addition to being a great source of blue light that alters our biological clock, are the reason for a overstimulation It doesn’t let us sleep well.

The Dr. Maria Jose Martinezcoordinator of the chronobiology working group of the SESin an interview with EFEsalud, explains the alterations that causes us to change our biological clock, as well as the implications for our health.

Our body has its own biological clock EFE/Gaetal Bally


Chronodisruption, as Dr. Martínez explains, is the loss of internal temporal order. This is a maladjustment enter here external time and ours internal clock.

Each person has their biological clock with a central pacemaker what is he “orchestra director” of our organism. This is in charge of the appearance, throughout the day, of the different rhythms of our body: hormonal, activity, temperature, attention, muscle strength…

It is important that the melatonin is high at night or the cortisol hold its peak in the mornings so that our biological clock works properly and a similar schedule is maintained every day. That will allow us to enjoy a good and repairing rest at night.

Good light and bad light?

First of all, a big mistake that we commit and that does not allow us to have a good rest is the use of electrical devices at night.

The LED screens of these instruments emit, at a wavelength of 470 nanometers, blue light. This is the light that the brain specifically perceives. Because of this, blue light sends wrong signals to our biological clock and delays our Bedtime.

However, orange or yellowish light does not break our sleep cycle. The coordinator of the SES chronobiology working group warns that this warm light it is not perceived by our brains in the same way as blue. For this reason a velanails bulbs of these colors… Are not considered chronodisruptive elements.

“If at the time of going to sleep, close to night, or after 8 in the evening, instead of being in the dark with a low, dim, orange light, I receive a light from the screen of our device, we are giving a chronodisruptive signal to our watch”, warns the doctor.

The light of the fire is very good, since it does not alter our biological rhythm. SANTIAGO BILLY/EFE

Social networks…

On the other hand, the expert recalls that it is important not to “blame” only in light of the devices, but that a factor that considerably alters our sleep is the overstimulation derived from the use of social networks.

Being constantly aware of notifications or ‘chatting’ until just before trying to sleep are some of the most detrimental habits for a good rest, since they keep asset Our brain.

In addition, Dr. Martínez warns of the danger of leaving the mobile on the nightstand while we sleep. In some microdespertar we may be tempted to look at the mobile to see the notifications and this is not nothing beneficial for rest.

Looking at your phone in the middle of the night makes it difficult to fall asleep. EFE/ Miguel Gutierrez

Is it possible to change this?

The expert warns that, despite the fact that yes there are changes What can we do to create a good sleep routine y improve our restIt is difficult to let go of behaviors that we have so internalized.

However, he recommends trying to start with the following:

leave the mobile before sleep

One of the main recommendations is considerably limit the use of electronic devices in hours before going to sleep. In fact, explains the professional, the ideal is to stop using them two hours before to go to bed However, as it is complicated because they are intrinsic behaviors in our day to day, it exposes that at least we should release them An hour before to close your eyes.

mute our device

Even though he smartphone can help us alarmof e-bookof calendar and other instruments that may be useful before going to sleep, the ideal is to leave the device Out of the room, off or at least with the silenced notifications.

Apply night filters

Dr. Martínez explains that using the night mode from electronic devices, although it does not completely eliminate all blue light, it is beneficial.

“Most devices have tools to put the night mode. This does not eliminate the blue light completely, but it does lower the intensity a bit and change the hue, so it would affect us less. It is recommended to use the night mode if we have it on our devices, and if not, there are applications that allow us to generate this light pattern”, explains the professional.

Melatonin to sleep?

consumption of melatonin It is frequent not only to improve the quality of sleep, but also in certain cancer treatments and other pathologiesas well as antioxidante natural.

Alert of the importance of always consulting a specialist when taking strong doses, since, although does not cause addictionyes it can affect our sleep pattern.

“The point is that melatonin is a very powerful chronobiotic, in fact it is the most powerful that our body has. If our main synchronizer is light and what it does is regulate melatonin, if I add exogenous melatonin, that will be a signal that tells my brain to sleep. If every day I tell my brain that I have to go to sleep at one hour, my orchestra conductor goes crazy”, warns Dr. María José Martínez.

Light is the greatest regulator of our biological clock. EFE / Marcelo Sayao
#Chronodisruptors #social #networks

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