“ChulaCov19”, a Thai national covid vaccine, produced the first lot, expected to be registered by the FDA at the end of the year.

by time news

Thai national covid vaccine “ChulaCov19” has produced the first lot in the country. Submitted to the FDA for testing in volunteers, expected to be registered at the end of this year.

On 7 May 65, the Facebook page Thailand knows how to fight covids, reports that Chulalongkorn University Progress report on the development of the Thai national covid vaccine “ChulaCov19” type mRNA by the first phase of development is the vaccine design and production in the United States factory. which was successfully tested in phase 1 and 2 subjects It is safer and can boost immunity than the Pfizer vaccine approved for use in Thailand.

The second phase is the domestic production of vaccines by Bionet Asia Co., Ltd., which has already produced the first lot of vaccines. and passed quality assurance

“At present, the research team has submitted documents and information. Entered into consideration by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for testing in phase 1 and 2 volunteers, pending approval from the FDA if the results of the vaccine test produced in Thailand meet the goals set The vaccine is expected to be registered by the end of 2022.”

In addition, during the application for registration of the first generation vaccine, the research team will develop a second generation vaccine to protect against the Omicron strain of COVID-19 at the same time.

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