Chungju City successfully completed the 2025 cadastral resurvey resident information session. Chungju City announced on the 6th that it successfully completed a resident information session for the 2025 cadastral resurvey project district.
The cadastral resurvey project is a national project that corrects cadastral registration information that does not match the actual status of the land and converts cadastral data on paper into digital cadastral data using the latest surveying equipment and technology.
At this briefing session, the purpose of the cadastral resurvey project, project implementation procedures, boundary setting methods, land owner cooperation matters, etc. were explained in detail, and resident participation was encouraged through a question and answer session.
The city selected a total of 7 districts, including the Angseongsami district, as the 2025 Chungju cadastral resurvey project district. The project target is 1,618 lots and a total area of 1,329,326㎡, and digital cadastral conversion work for this area is scheduled to be promoted in earnest.
A city official said, “The cadastral resurvey project is an important task for efficient land use along with setting accurate land boundaries,” and asked, “We ask for the active cooperation of land owners for the smooth implementation of the project.”
The city expects that the cadastral resurvey project will increase the reliability of regional development and land administration and improve convenience for residents.
Meanwhile, Chungju City has begun establishing a full-fledged plan to come up with a plan to manage, preserve, and utilize ancient historical and cultural sites such as Mahan and Jungwon (Baekje, Goguryeo, and Silla).
On the 6th, the city held a briefing session on the launch of the ‘Historic and Cultural Zone Strategic Plan and Maintenance Implementation Plan Establishment Service’ at Chungju City Hall. About 20 people, including Chungju Mayor Cho Gil-hyung, Director of Culture, Sports and Tourism, related public officials, and city council members, attended this briefing session and shared the direction and plan for the project.
This service in response to the National Heritage Administration’s historical and cultural area maintenance project contest aims to set the scope of historical and cultural heritage within the jurisdiction and derive maintenance areas through basic research and analysis. In addition, based on this, a detailed implementation plan will be prepared to promote regional historical and cultural development and economic revitalization.
The historical and cultural rights project is a promotion project that reexamines historical values and revitalizes the local historical and cultural environment through research, excavation, restoration, and cultivation of ancient historical and cultural rights. The main maintenance types include △survey and research △cultural heritage maintenance △spatial environment maintenance △utilization and development.
Through this project, the city plans to create a specialized historical and cultural landscape that reflects the characteristics of heritage, humanities, and the natural environment, and expand the limited policy centered on national heritage into a regional nurturing and promotion policy.
This research service will be carried out by the Chungbuk National University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation until the end of this year, and the city plans to proceed without a hitch with the strategy and implementation plan for the maintenance candidate site.
A city official said, “Through this implementation plan, Chungju City will further increase the value of its historical and cultural heritage and lay the foundation for revitalizing the local economy,” adding, “We will strengthen regional identity and competitiveness by creating a unique historical and cultural landscape unique to Chungju City.” “I will do it,” he said.
Based on this plan, the city plans to actively respond to competitions for historical and cultural area maintenance projects.
Economy Queen Choi Hana Reporter Photo Chungju City