Genes, tobacco and heart.

by time news

2017-06-11 18:57:32

Science has confirmed that smoking is associated with the development of no less than 17 types of tumors. About six million people die each year from tobacco, despite which there are still more than one billion smokers in the world.

However, cancer is not the only health problem associated with tobacco use. Another very serious problem is a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease. Among these we not only have those that directly affect the heart, but also those that affect the integrity of veins and arteries and, consequently, the correct circulation of blood.

Researchers at Columbia University in New York have discovered that certain variants or mutations of a gene are responsible for the fact that tobacco increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. To identify this gene, an international group of more than 70 scientists analyzed the genetic data of around 140,000 participants in 29 clinical studies.

The analysis found that a single “letter” change in a gene on chromosome 15, the gene called ADAMTS7, was associated with a 12% reduced risk of developing CHD in non-smokers, but only with a reduced risk by 5% in smokers. This meant that smoking increased the risk of coronary heart disease in holders of the variant of this gene.
The scientists also discovered that the different “letter” in this variant of the ADAMTS7 gene does not affect the protein produced, but rather affects the functioning of the gene, that is, the amount of protein it produces. In this case, the protein is produced in less quantity than normal. Curiously, it is this lower amount that generates a protective effect against coronary disease. This is also consistent with a recent study in which genetically modified mice are generated in which the ADAMTS7 gene has been deleted. These mice develop much fewer atherosclerotic plaques in their arteries, so they clog less.

To test whether cigarette smoke affected the functioning of this gene, the scientists treated cells isolated from the coronary arteries with a liquid extract generated from cigarette smoke, and studied what happens with the function of the ADAMTS7 gene. They find that the extract of smoke activates the functioning of the gene, which is consistent with the increased risk of coronary disease in smokers.

More information on Jorge Laborda’s blog: Genes, tobacco and heart.

Danish Saleheen et al. (2017). Loss of Cardio-Protective Effects at the ADAMTS7 Locus Due to Gene-Smoking Interactions. Circulation.

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