Homeopathic Ebola? | Science Podcasts

by time news

2014-12-17 10:45:56

Now that even the illiterate, and even the seasoned politicians and politicians, have finally learned what a virus is thanks to the Ebola outbreak, it has become clear that viruses are very bad bugs. Only a few of them are capable of generating the most absolute chaos worldwide, and if we add to this human stupidity and incompetence, panic is guaranteed.

However, if we believe that with the Ebola virus we have already seen everything in relation to dangerous viruses, we will be wrong, because the most dangerous virus is neither avian or swine flu, nor hepatitis C, nor that of Ebola, not even that of AIDS. The most dangerous virus is the homeopathic virus. As you probably know, homeopathy is that branch of pharmacological therapy that maintains that the smaller the dose of a medicine is administered, the greater its curative effects.

Medicines are molecules, of course, that chemically interact with other molecules in our cells, modifying their activity, hence their effects. For example, anti-inflammatory drugs, such as steroids, act on molecules that control the expression of genes that activate inflammation. A certain dose is always necessary for these medications to be effective. For example, if each cell contains 100 pro-inflammatory molecules, it will be necessary for a minimum of 100 steroid molecules to reach each one so that their effects can be felt, since if fewer molecules arrive, there will always be some pro-inflammatory molecule free, and inflammation will not occur. can be adequately controlled. Once the doctor has determined the type of medication that may be useful, determining the appropriate dose is the most important part for the therapy to work. In fact, if many do not work, it is because patients forget some doses and because of this they do not get the effective dose.

Although science does not seem to leave room for other mechanisms of drug action than purely molecular ones, some people, and also some doctors, believe that homeopathic therapeutic principles exist. In this case, as I said above, the lower the dose of medication that is administered, the greater its effects. For this reason, solutions of medications are used that are, truly, unimaginable for ordinary mortals. For example, some solutions may be equivalent to dissolving a single molecule in a volume of water similar to that of the entire Earth, including oceans, continents, mantle, and core. From this solution the medicine is made, of which we may be able to take a few pills. Obviously, the probability that a single molecule of the active ingredient is found in one of these pills is close to zero, and even if the molecule were in one of them, the dose would be clearly insufficient: a single molecule in the body would not exert any effect. no effect. Still, homeopathy advocates continue to claim that such ultra-diluted medications work.

However, obviously, coins have two sides, in this case, a good one, the healing one, but also a bad one: the one that generates illness. And like medicines, viruses are molecules, or combinations of them. To infect cells, viruses need, like drugs, to interact with other molecules present on their surface; Only then can they penetrate inside and reproduce. Not all viral particles achieve this, so to fall ill from a viral infection it is always necessary to receive a dose of virus above a minimum threshold, exactly the same as happens with normal medications.

Not so with a homeopathic virus, of course. This type of virus does not work due to the same parameters. On the contrary, homeopathic viruses infect more the less there are. In fact, the most infectious of all homeopathic viruses is the one that is not there, that is, it has been diluted so much that it is not found anywhere, it has even ceased to exist and has become a breath, an immaterial being. This virus is extremely dangerous, at least as dangerous as any apocalyptic spirit, and could mortally infect all of Humanity in a single instant.

However, fear not. Despite the most advanced research, this type of virus has not yet been discovered. I am confident that it will never be discovered, but if it is discovered and the discoverer survives encountering it, we can always use homeopathic antivirals to combat it, which, now, will be as effective or more effective than traditional antivirals in ending such a dangerous e. immaterial microorganism. Nothing is conquered with nothing.


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