Men, women and the recognition of their faces.

by time news

2021-11-12 10:27:20

A topic that has interested me a lot over the years is that of the potential differences between men and women in their temperament, intelligence and, in general, in capacities dependent on the functioning of the nervous system. This has interested me not only from the scientific aspect, but also from the aspect in which science conflicts with ideology, the basis of all honest politics.

Let’s clarify that science is not ideology. It is perhaps the opposite of this. The only idea pursued by science is to reveal the truth about the natural world, of which we men, women and LGBTIs. Science is not, I insist, ideology, but it can invalidate, or at least qualify, thanks to its discoveries, certain ideologies or aspects of them.

For example, someone might think that it would be nice to build walls on the horizon to prevent ships from falling into the huge cliff behind it. This idea may be part of the magnificent general ideology entitled: “we must improve the world around us”, but, as a specific ideological proposal, it clashes with reality, since the idea is based on the assumption that the earth is a flat disk, which, for the moment, is false.

In the same way, today we have a magnificent ideology entitled: equality between men and women must be improved. There are numerous concrete proposals for this, but, like the previous one to build walls on the horizon, some may be completely contrary to reality, which is also considered by many to be ideological and not scientific. Perhaps for this reason some think that a certain type of doing science is politically incorrect when it is the opposite: a certain way of doing politics is scientifically incorrect.

In March 2002 I dared to address for the first time, if I remember correctly, the issue of the differences between men and women, which was already a controversial issue at that time, since the denial of what is not interesting to know, and the business of What matters, they have always been in fashion. It did, however, addressing differences in minor cognitive abilities that did not raise many susceptibilities: the ability to recognize faces of the same or opposite sex.

Let’s see what counted then and then analyze the status of this issue from a scientific point of view. Here you can read the article

Have these differences in the ability to recognize faces of the same or different sex in men and women been confirmed? The studies carried out by various researchers during these almost two decades have confirmed that the differences are true, and have discovered others related not only to sex, but also to race or age. Efforts have also been made to study whether these differences in the ability to recognize faces are actually due to differences between men and women in other abilities that result in the specific difference. For example, it has been studied whether the difference is due to different attention spans between men and women when looking at faces. It has been concluded that this is not true and that the differences seem to be genuine, that is, they do not depend on another previous capacity.

It remains unknown why women recognize women’s faces better than men’s. The idea that women better recognize the faces of their potential rivals in order to try to imitate them with makeup and increase their attractiveness to men, in particular, to the man or men they want as a partner, has not been confirmed. However, I dare to venture that if there is a force that has shown its power during evolution and that has been decisive for it, it is sex. Being able to reproduce well with a good partner has been decisive for the survival of the genes. The obvious differences in the secondary sexual characteristics between men and women can undoubtedly be accompanied by not so obvious differences, dependent on certain cognitive abilities.

One aspect that might be interesting to study from a scientific point of view, and that I don’t think has been studied yet, is whether or not lesbians and gays maintain these cognitive differences between men and women. Are lesbians like women in this capacity, or are they more like men? The same can be asked of homosexual men. I know that these are controversial issues and that, furthermore, they are not going to solve the problem of a future pandemic, or the climate crisis, but that is not the question. The point is that no question should be censored to try to answer it by scientific investigation, or else we will never get to know whatever is closest to reality.

Finally, it may perhaps come as a surprise that men and women are born with different abilities, even if the differences are slight. This, however, is what can be expected if, during evolution, men and women have been selected to carry out different social functions, all of which are necessary for the survival of the species. Differences due to the need to perform different functions are obvious in the cells of the body, particularly those of the immune system. They all have the same genome, but use it differently to better ensure the survival of the organism. It is therefore not surprising that something similar can happen between our two sexes, and between the two sexes of other animal species.

(Jorge Laborda 11/12/2021)

Works by Jorge Laborda.

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Kilo of Science Volume XII eBook
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Kilo of Science Volume I. Jorge Laborda
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Kilo of Science Volume III. Jorge Laborda
Kilo of Science Volume IV. Jorge Laborda
Kilo of Science Volume V. Jorge Laborda
Kilo of Science Volume VI. Jorge Laborda
Kilo of Science Volume VII. Jorge Laborda
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