Neurobiology of the detection of cheaters.

by time news

2022-06-05 09:04:37

We live immersed in a sea of ​​lies. This statement may be one of the few truths of which we can be sure. Fraud, deception, deceit, corruption, fake news, infidelity, breaches of trust. Every day, humans must deal with a world that tries to deceive us and take advantage of us. It is true that this world is created by the social interaction between human beings. Lies don’t inhabit deserted islands either.

Why is there a lie? Why can some easily detect them while others fall for the deception? I was talking about this topic more than twenty years ago. My interest in it, as you can imagine, was due to a serious deception that I suffered and that conditioned the rest of my life. As I often do when things go wrong, I looked to science for explanations. Let’s see what he said in the past on this matter, and if science has confirmed or refuted the explanations he provided about lying.

Read the article here.

What has been found out lately about the brain areas involved in lying? First of all, it is necessary to say that recent research has not refuted the idea that our brain has specialized areas for the production and detection of lies. On the contrary, the most recent studies confirm this idea. For example, a study published in 2021 explored the function of a particular area of ​​the prefrontal cortex, the so-called Brodman area 10, in face-to-face deception. The researchers invited pairs of participants to play a card game involving lying and lie detection while analyzing brain activity in the CPF using the technique called functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). There it is. Participants could earn points for successfully lying about the value of their cards or for spotting their fellow players’ lies. Patterns of brain activation were analyzed when the participants told the truth or lied, either when they were forced to do so or when they did so voluntarily, and when they were able to detect a lie or not.

The results of this study revealed that the anterior prefrontal cortex was activated both in the production and in the detection of lies, without this activation being related to the reward received. Surprisingly, analysis of the patterns of brain activation among the participants identified areas of the prefrontal cortex in which the brain activity of the protagonist, the one lying or telling the truth, synchronized with the subsequent brain activity of his partner, the one trying to find out if They lied to him or not.

This fascinating study of honest cheaters suggests that during situations involving close interpersonal interaction, the CPF above involves the processing of information involved in deception, and in the supervision of one’s own behavior and that of others, both to generate credible lies and to detect those that the other is trying to make you believe.

Thus, it seems that, during our evolution, just as our brain has developed areas involved in the detection and production of something as human as language, it seems that it has also developed areas involved in the production and detection of something as human as is the lie This is probably so because in our very social world, both language and the production and detection of lies have been essential for survival. Also, probably, just as some genes are involved in the better or worse production of spoken or written language, other genes will be involved in the better or worse production of lies and in the better or worse ability of each one to detect them. It will be very interesting, at least for me, to find out what genes are in the future. For the moment my investigations of the scientific literature have not yielded any results.

Jorge Laborda (06/05/2022)

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