CIFRHS extends the selection of specialties in the ENARM

by time news
  • The CIFRHS extended (again) the period for the selection of specialties for the applicants who presented the ENARM 2022.
  • This is the last opportunity to take a specialty during this cycle.
  • Last year’s edition registered a total attendance of 49,802 doctors from all over the country.

Professional growth and sometimes pressure from others lead general doctors to continue with their academic preparation. All the years of the degree are not enough because they can also be extended in different ways. The most common way is to present the National Exam of Applicants for Medical Residency (ENARM) where you can make a selection within 27 direct entry specialties.

The desire to learn in Medicine never ends

In this way, each of the applicants can focus on a specific field of the medical area. In this way, their knowledge is increased and therefore they can aspire to more attractive salaries. The best-prepared doctors are usually those who occupy the highest positions inside and outside hospitals.

One of the first problems is that it is not enough to have the willingness to transcend. There are thousands of young people who have the same idea, but there are few places inside hospitals. Therefore, each year more than half of the young people who take the exam are rejected.

Another adversity is the lack of stability within the Inter-Institutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources for Health (CIFRHS), which is the highest authority on this issue. In each edition, failures ranging from internet sites that do not work to last minute changes are reported.

All of the above leads to a new Announcement about ENARM 2022 and the final selection of specialties. Although half a year has passed since the presentation of the test, the process is still not completely over.

Last opportunity of the ENARM for the selection of specialties

In fact, all those who passed the exam and passed all the requirements of each exam have already started their residency since March 1st. At this time, the publication of the ENARM 2023 call seems closer because it should take place in April.

Regardless of all the above, the CIFRHS announced that the period for the selection of specialties for ENARM 2022 applicants is extended. According to the information, the purpose is that more young people have the opportunity to obtain a specialty.

In this case, all applicants who submitted the ENARM from last year and have not yet chosen a specialty have one last chance. From March 23 to 27, 2023, you must enter the following link between 07:00 and 22:00.

The same call mentions that doctors who select a specialty in the aforementioned period will only be able to select a clinical field during the extraordinary process of direct pre-assignment that will take place once the present specialty selection process on the platform has finished.

Having said all of the above, this is the last opportunity to study a specialty during the current cycle.

On the other hand, it is worth remembering that for the ENARM 2022 registered a total attendance of 49,802 doctors from all over the country. According to the figures, just over 18,000 obtained a place, although from the extension in the specialty selection the figure has increased.

Also read:

The 5 medical specialties with the most resident resignations

How many direct entry medical specialties are there and what are they?

Extension to choose a specialty in the ENARM 2022: These are the new dates

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