Cionfoli: “Sister Cristina says goodbye to the veil? A courageous choice”

by time news

“Sister Cristina says goodbye to the veil? A courageous choice, it will certainly be a special moment”. To speak is the singer-songwriter Giuseppe Cionfoli, known to the general public in the eighties with the name of Fra’ Cionfoli. The former Franciscan friar left religious life in 1988 because he was cornered by the new father general of the Capuchins who asked him to choose between a cassock or a career as a singer. The following year Cionfoli got married. “Choices are made based on the heart, Cristina Scuccia certainly was. I hope she has met someone she loves, as happened to me”, comments Cionfoli to after the resignation of Sister Cristina, winner of The Voice of Italy in 2014, to consecrated life.

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“We don’t know what happened, I hope that yours is a completely personal choice, in which no compulsion has taken over from the Order of the Ursuline nuns. What is known is that the Order, when it participated in TV broadcasts, I’ve always been on his side”, highlights Cionfoli. “Musically, I’m sorry that ‘Suor Cristina’ hasn’t made its mark so far with a song that identifies her. Too bad, it was probably badly advised, she had a golden opportunity: she should have focused more on the music of Christian inspiration”, adds Cionfoli.

Cionfoli then announces that he has recently worked on a new piece on the theme of the traditional family. “The song was presented in Sanremo, now we are waiting for the opinion of the commission”, underlines the Apulian singer-songwriter.

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