Cisco’s plan to make Venice a smart working capital

by time news – “Inclusion, connectivity, social impact, attention to the person”. These are the four key words of the Venywhere project used by Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins in his brief speech to illustrate, today in Venice in the newly restored and recently inaugurated Procuratie Vecchie space in Piazza San Marco, a project whose goal is “promote the establishment of smart working workers “in the lagoon city.

Robbins defined the initiative born between the Venice Foundation and the University of Ca ‘Foscari “an opportunity in the global economy and in the future of work that will continually change in its perennial evolution”.

For Robbins Cisco therefore “aims to support an inclusive future for all. With technology, we can encourage people and contribute to the global economy in a way that has never been done before. Technology can also change the way we work by innovating it. The future of work is much more than the technological aspect, but technology must serve to create it and to create inclusive experiences and connectivity ”.

Venywhere is the new project “to offer the city and the emerging population of workers from anywhere an innovative contact and interaction tool thanks to a specifically designed platform”.

“Our People and Community team – observed Gianmatteo Manghi, CEO of Cisco Italy – was looking for a city in Italy in which to achieve the combination of the so-called hybrid and flexible work, where people can choose how and where to work a much of their time and the concept of the distributed office. And now sixteen young colleagues from all over Europe are working and living this experience with growing enthusiasm ”.

Manghi also questioned what are the characteristics of the work of the future to answer that Cisco believes “that it must and can be increasingly inclusive” so that “everyone feels involved and can have the opportunity to express their ideas, their values, their skills, a fact of culture, processes, attention “but inclusion” also means do something that has a positive impact on the community in which we operatean incredibly important factor because we as the aim of our business is to create an inclusive future for all ”where“ we are able to create value for the communities and the economic and social world in which we operate ”.

Manghi also recalled that “yes, of course, we must achieve excellent economic and financial results, but this is not the reason why a company will be remembered in history but more for what impact it will have been able to give to the world. social and economic “.

Another factor is sustainability, “as environmental protection is fundamental”, and Manghi recalled that Cisco has made a commitment to “become zero emissions, or net zero company, in 2025 in purposes 1 and 2, and in 2040 in purpose 3 “. And in giving a figure, the CEO of Cisco Italy recalled that “already in Italy we consume only renewable energy and we collect products at the end of their life cycle free of charge and we are able to recycle 98% of them”.

But there is also another type of sustainability that “is more social and economic, that is the possibility of allowing people in the organization of work to live according to their life phase, certainly their professional ambitions, business objectives , productivity, work effectiveness but creating harmony with personal and family needs, which can be linked to children or to caregiver activities “.

“This type of harmony – concluded Manghi – is very positive for business, for effectiveness and for people’s satisfaction” but “involves overcoming some rigid schemes that saw these two aspects in opposition according to business and organization models of the past. We are strongly interested in overcoming them more and more to create harmony ”.

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