Cisl, “Occupational Accidents and Diseases The Emergency Continues” – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ANCONA, 19 AUG – The number of fatal accidents at work is sharply decreasing, reports of occupational diseases are increasing while the accident data is substantially stable.
This is the summary of the data for the first half of 2024 released by Inail, which highlight positive elements and other worrying ones released by Cisl Marche. “Cisl Marche – assures the general secretary Marco Ferracuti – will continue its action for the development of prevention in every workplace, with the maximum involvement of workers and their safety representatives and RSU. As per the commitments made, we expect the regional council to soon convene the table with the social partners and increase the resources available for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases”. “To counter this trail of blood – declares Ferracuti – it is essential to keep attention high every day”.
Cisl Marche secretary Luca Talevi took stock of the situation, underlining that “the number of accidents recorded in the first half of 2024 remains substantially stable compared to the first half of 2023, with a decrease in accidents on the way to and from work (from 1,263 to 1,238) and an increase in those in the workplace (from 7,113 to 7,137)”.
“Slight decrease in female accidents, there were 2916 on 30 June 2024 against 2922 in 2023 and – explains Talevi – slight increase in male accidents which went from 5,454 in the first half of 2023 to 5,459 in the first half of 2024. Accidents in industry (from 6,317 to 6,285) and agriculture (from 466 to 442) decreased while they increased in the public sector (from 1,593 in the first half of 2023 to 1,648 in the first half of 2024) given the increase in accidents to under 15s which went from 819 to 894”.
“The phenomenon – it is explained – is legally attributable to the extension of accident insurance provided for students by the labor decree number 48 of 2023”.
In Ascoli “there was a decrease in accidents (from 1,097 to 1,063) and in Macerata (from 1,791 to 1,722) while there were increases in Fermo (from 632 to 719) and in Pesaro (from 2,009 to 2,024). Ancona was stable with 2,847 accidents”.
Data in chiaroscuro. “The drop in those who lost their lives at work is significant, going from ten deaths in the first half of 2023 to seven in the first half of 2024”. But “there was a strong increase in reports of occupational diseases, going from 3,794 in the first half of 2023 to 4,185 in the first half of 2024. An increase of 10% that hit the Industry and services sector the most, going from 3,433 reports on 30 June 2023 to 3,825 (2,753 men and 1,072 women). on 30 June 2024”.
The highest number of reports in the province of Ancona went from 3,794 on 30 June 2023 to 4,185 on 30 June 2024 and in Macerata which went from 1,126 reports of occupational disease to 1,326. Also increasing are the provinces of Ascoli Piceno (from 701 to 975) and Fermo (from 494 to 527).
Only the Province of Pesaro recorded a decrease, going from 1,004 reports to 902. The causes: “Pathologies of the osteo-muscular system and connective tissue, together with those of the nervous system and the ear, continue to represent the main types of occupational disease reported, followed by tumors and respiratory system pathologies”.

2024-08-19 14:16:26

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