Citizen Income: Social Prosperity releases the first list of targeted households

by time news
  • Citizen Income will begin serving 544,108 households. This will positively impact the living conditions of 1,750,833 people in extreme poverty.
  • The program will gradually and progressively expand attention in other lines of intervention, to reach 2.8 million households in extreme poverty.

Bogotá DC, March 12, 2024. The director of Social Prosperity Gustavo Bolívar announced that the entity published the first list of households that will be part of the Citizen Income program, which corresponds to the first line of intervention: Care Assessment.

In this list, 544,108 households made up of female heads of household, with boys and girls under 6 years of age from group A of Sisbén, were prioritized, who will receive 500,000 pesos every 45 days. This first group of households is the beginning of a great objective in social policy of the national government: strengthening the social protection system, starting with the poorest.

Under the guidelines of the President of the Republic, Social Prosperity carried out a rigorous process of purification and validation of databases with official sources of information such as: Social Registry of Households, Sisbén IV, National Registry of Civil Status and Ministry of the Interior. Finally, the process produced this first initial list of beneficiary households throughout the national territory, which positively improves the lives of more than 1,750,000 people in extreme poverty.

The goal of the national government is to continue rapidly expanding the Citizen Income program until it reaches, in the second semester, all households in extreme poverty, which are close to 9 million Colombians to reach 2.8 million households in extreme poverty. . Therefore, Citizen Income will expand its attention gradually and progressively, in the lines of intervention Care Assessment with emphasis on disability, Colombia without Hunger and Capacity Building.

If you are a mother who heads a household with children under 6 years of age, you can enter the page: check with your document number, and verify if your home is included in this first list of Citizen Income. If you are registered, you must sign the Program’s Commitment and Co-Responsibility Act as of April 1.

The process is very simple and will be done online or through the municipal mayor’s offices. Remember that signing the document is a fundamental requirement to complete your registration to the Citizen Income program, it is a program of the government of President Gustavo Petro, which aims to serve the most needy households with a view to overcoming poverty, to together build stories of life and improvement.

This is under the principle of dignity and rights of the people, with it being the responsibility of the State to guarantee the well-being of the population in a progressive manner. Social Prosperity will publish all available and relevant information on official channels.

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