Citlalli Hernández, head of the Women’s Secretariat; overrepresentation in the Chamber of Deputies; Judicial Branch; AMLO and more

by times news cr

The president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, offered a Press conference today, August 19, and introduced to Citlalli Hernandez as Head of the Women’s Secretariat.

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo continues with her activities after the conclusion of the 2024 elections in which she emerged victorious in the race for the presidential seat.

For this reason, this Monday, August 19, the president-elect gave a conference from Iztapalapa, where his campaign headquarters was and which now serves as his transition office.

The Press conference started after 12:00 through Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s social media, including her YouTube channel and that of Morena Sí.

At the conference, the president-elect of Mexico spoke about her last tour with the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) and announced that he will continue traveling on weekends to the inauguration of works.

Likewise, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo explained the alleged Overrepresentation of Morena and allies in the Chamber of Deputiesteaching the formula for assigning seats to different parties.

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Claudia Sheinbaum defends Ulises Lara for Javier Corral

Claudia Sheinbaum He defended the prosecutor of the Mexico City Attorney General’s Office after he saved Javier Corral from being arrested in a building in the capital, by Chihuahua authorities.

The president-elect said that in her opinion her actions were not illegal, nor part of a system of corruption, since Ulises Lara fulfilled his duties as Mexico City prosecutor.

Citlalli Hernández, head of the Women’s Secretariat; overrepresentation in the Chamber of Deputies; Judicial Branch; AMLO and more


Claudia Sheinbaum, press conference today, August 19. Important topics: Citlalli Hernández, head of the Women’s Secretariat; overrepresentation in the Chamber of Deputies; Judiciary; AMLO and more

Javier Corral new video at Gin Gin: Ulises Lara appeared in less than 40 minutes; shock group entered through the window


Javier Corral new video at Gin Gin: Ulises Lara appeared in less than 40 minutes; shock group entered through the window

Clara Brugada presented her cabinet in Mexico City: Cesar Cravioto, Alejandro Encinas, Nelly Antonia Juarez, Ines Gonzalez Nicolas, Myriam Urzua Venegas, Julia Alvarez Icaza Ramirez, Ana Francis Lopez Bayghen Patino, Nadine Gasman Zylbermann, Araceli Damian Gonzalez, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, Pablo Yañes Rizo, Pablo Vazquez, Juan Pablo de Botton, Raul Basulto Luviano, Tomas Pliego, Hector Ulises Garcia Nieto, Inti Munoz Santini, Mario Esparza and more


Clara Brugada presented her cabinet in Mexico City: Cesar Cravioto, Alejandro Encinas, Nelly Antonia Juarez, Ines Gonzalez Nicolas, Myriam Urzua Venegas, Julia Alvarez Icaza Ramirez, Ana Francis Lopez Bayghen Patino, Nadine Gasman Zylbermann, Araceli Damian Gonzalez, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, Pablo Yañes Rizo, Pablo Vazquez, Juan Pablo de Botton, Raul Basulto Luviano, Tomas Pliego, Hector Ulises Garcia Nieto, Inti Munoz Santini, Mario Esparza and more

This comes after the prosecutor showed up at a restaurant on August 14 to personally prevent Javier Corral, a supporter of the 4T government, from being arrested.

“It would be bad if he had done something that is not within his powers, it is within the powers of the prosecutor (…)

It is within its powers to respond to any illegality.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum confirmed that she will accompany AMLO at the inauguration of works

Claudia Sheinbaum pointed out that not yet finished with weekend tours with AMLO, and that in the next fewwill accompany the president to the inauguration of works and projects.

According to him, these weekend tours will continue until the last weekend before the change of government, which will take place on October 1.

“The tours are not over yet, because he has now invited me to continue accompanying him to inaugurations, so we will still be going on weekends, until the last weekend, to continue accompanying him to inaugurations.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum highlights her learnings on tours with AMLO

Claudia Sheinbaum assured that during the Weekend tours through the different states of the country with AMLO resulted in great learning for her.

The president-elect stated that has learned a lot on tour, especially from the works and projects they have done over the last few years of the 4T government.

Claudia Sheinbaum also reiterated that the transition that AMLO and she are carrying out is historic, since it has not existed in any other government.

“I have learned a lot during this period, although I knew what the president has done, there are many works and actions that are not so well known, for example the El Zapotillo Dam (…)

There are many actions and procedures that we have learned about first-hand from the president.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum congratulates Clara Brugada on her government cabinet

Claudia Sheinbaum felected the members of Clara Brugada’s government cabinetelected head of government of Mexico City (CDMX) in the 2024 process.

The president-elect He said that it is a very good cabinet announced on August 19, and congratulated those who will be part of the Morena government.

“A very good cabinet, I congratulate her and we congratulate everyone who is in the city.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum assures that workers will not be affected by the reform of the Judicial Branch, in the face of work stoppage

Claudia Sheinbaum was questioned about the Work stoppage that began today by workers of the Judicial Branchin light of the reform announced in the Congress of the Union.

The president-elect said that the strike is due to the uncertainty of the violation of labor rights, when “there is no risk that the labor rights of workers will be violated.”

“The labor rights of workers in the Judiciary will not be altered.

There is a transitional provision that clearly states that labor rights will be respected, the teaching career will be respected, but in the case of judges, magistrates or ministers, the decision of who will be a magistrate is up to the people of Mexico.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum mocks the Pink Tide

Claudia Sheinbaum He made fun of the Pink Tide by calling it “pink sigh”, as the deputy Gerardo Fernández Noroña, a supporter of the 4T, has named her.

The president-elect mocked the explanation of overrepresentation in the Chamber of Deputies.

“Anyone who wants to ask the INE or the Electoral Court or whoever it may be, not to apply the law is very wrong, this is called the rule of law.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum accuses the PAN and PRI of having overrepresentation

Given the results of his explanation on the alleged seats that will be assigned in the Chamber of Deputies to each political party, Claudia Sheinbaum accused that other parties are overrepresented.

“In any case, those who are overrepresented are those who received fewer votes and who are entitled to more plurinominal seats,” said Claudia Sheinbaum.

“To all those who ask the Electoral Institute to do something different from what the law says, it cannot be done, the law is very clear, it says what formula to apply and how many plurinominal deputies each political party is entitled to and in any case minorities are overrepresented.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum and Citlalli Hernández explain the overrepresentation of Morena and allies in the Chamber of Deputies

Claudia Sheinbaum and Citlalli Hernández explained why Morena and allies do not have overrepresentation in the Chamber of Deputies, as members of the opposition have accused.

The militants of the 4T They shared the formula for assigning the number of seats that each party will have in the Chamber of Deputies, and they read the laws that indicate it.

In this regard, they said that the seats in the Chamber of Deputies would be distributed as follows:

  • PAN 68 seats with 32 majority and 36 plurinominal representation
  • PRI, 33 seats with 9 majority and 24 plurinominal
  • Citizen Movement (MC) 24 seats with 1 simple majority and 23 plurinominal
  • Morena, 248 seats with 161 of simple majority and 87 plurinominal
  • Labor Party (PT), 50 seats with 38 majority and 12 plurinominal
  • Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) 75 seats with 57 majority and 18 plurinominal
Overrepresentation in the Chamber of Deputies

Overrepresentation in the Chamber of Deputies (especial)

Claudia Sheinbaum appoints Citlalli Hernández as head of the Women’s Secretariat

Claudia Sheinbaum announced that the General Secretary of Morena, Citlalli Hernández will be the head of the Women’s Secretariat in her government.

“I made the decision to make Secretariat of the Women’s Instituteand the head of the Women’s Secretariat is Citlalli Hernández,” said President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum.

Likewise, Claudia Sheinbaum shared the resume of the official and supporter of the Fourth Transformation (4T), who will be in charge of a new Secretariat.

For its part, Citlalli Hernández expressed her gratitude to Claudia Sheinbaum for including her in her government and on the second floor of the transformation, and committed to working in favor of women.

“I take on the task of not leaving any woman helpless in the face of inequality, injustice and violence (…) I express my commitment to the Fourth Transformation, my clarity that it is time for women.”

Citlalli Hernandez

Claudia Sheinbaum appoints Citlalli Hernández as head of the Women's Secretariat

Claudia Sheinbaum appoints Citlalli Hernández as head of the Women’s Secretariat (especial)

2024-08-19 21:21:36

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