City of Morges – Energy cleanliness: continuation of the “Morges Renov” program

by time news

The city of Morges is launching the second phase of the “Morges Renov” project, an initiative aimed at accelerating the energy transition in its territory. This approach, carried out in partnership with Romande Energie, is part of the 2035 energy strategy, aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption in the municipal territory.

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The first phase of the “Morges Renov” program dedicated to accelerating the energy transformation of large rental buildings was a great success. The Municipality of Morges is today launching the second phase aimed at integrating owners of medium-sized rental properties. The second phase of “Morges Renov” includes free and personalized support for owners to encourage the sanitation of rental buildings with an energy reference surface (SRE) of 500 square meters or more. The Municipality invites all concerned owners to join this initiative and contribute to reducing the energy footprint of the municipal area. The program includes meetings with experts, support and advice.

A successful first step

Supported by the canton and the Confederation, the first phase of the program has produced remarkable progress in Morges. An in-depth analysis of more than 1,200 buildings allowed the selection of 143 objects considered a priority. In total, 26 energy audits were carried out and renovation projects studied for an area of ​​65,000 square metres. The potential energy savings are estimated at 5 GWh of thermal energy and 2,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, or 3% of the Morgean region’s needs for heating and domestic hot water.

Energy renewal, a key factor in change

Morges is determined to promote the energy transition, reduce CO2 emissions and improve the energy efficiency of its buildings. “Morges Renov” is an essential initiative to achieve these objectives and support owners in their energy renewal efforts. To meet the objectives of its 2035 energy strategy, Morges must achieve a 41% reduction in its CO2 emissions per inhabitant compared to 2017. To do this, the city is partnering with Romande Energie to support owners in the implementation of the Morgean component of “Commune Renov”. This program facilitates access to the information needed to ensure the cleanliness of buildings and provides neutral advice from experts in the field. All information on the “Morges Renov” program can be found here,

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