Civil Police investigate two students suspected of helping in attack on state school in SP

by time news

Author of the crime, which left a teacher dead and four others injured, confessed to the practice and gave details of the action plan

DANIEL TEIXEIRA/STADÃO CONTENTPolice cordon off the area of ​​the Thomazia Montoro state school after the attack

A Civil police investigates two students suspected of having helped the 13-year-old teenager to carry out the attack at the state school Thomazia Montoro, in Vila Sônia, in São Paulo. The case generated commotion in the country last Monday, 27, when a teacher was stabbed to death and four other people were injured. To investigate the facts, police officers from the 34th Police District asked for the breach of telephone confidentiality of the students allegedly involved. The author of the crime, who was apprehended on the same day, confessed to having carried out the attack. Now, he is hospitalized in a unit of the Casa do Estado Foundation. In a statement to the police, the teenager said he was beaten by his father and was called a “sewer rat” at school. The 13-year-old student also reported that he witnessed his father, who was always very aggressive, threatening his mother with a knife. Still according to the hearing, the boy considered killing him, but didn’t have the courage. The young aggressor also wrote a letter in which he apologized to his mother, aunt and grandmother for the act. The boy also said that he was also bullied at the José Roberto Pacheco State School, in Taboão da Serra, where he previously studied. He claimed that he was also physically assaulted. According to him, the jokes occurred because of his physical appearance. To the police, the boy detailed the plan for the attack on the Thomazia Montoro school. The idea was to act with a firearm, but since he couldn’t get the artifact, he decided to attack teachers and students with a knife. The object, says the statement, was taken from the mother’s kitchen. The idea was to kill two people at random and then kill yourself. After killing the teacher Elisabeth Tenreiro, aged 71, and injuring four other people, he was subdued by school officials while he attacked a teacher inside a classroom. The teenager was in the 8th grade of Elementary School. He also said that many years ago he started to have ideas of revenge and trained to use knives on his pillow. In addition, it was inspired by the attacks at Columbine, in 1999, and at the Professor Raul Brasil State School, in Suzano, which took place in 2019.

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