Civitas: the dissolution procedure “acted” by the government

by time news

2023-10-04 11:11:31

The Civitas dissolution procedure was “acted” by the Council of Ministers, as indicated by government spokesperson Olivier Véran this Wednesday morning.

The far-right movement Civitas will be dissolved “for all of its work”, indicates Olivier Véran, citing in particular its “calls to go to war against the Republic” and “anti-Semitic and Islamophobic” acts.

On August 8, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin requested this dissolution, after anti-Semitic remarks from one of its members Pierre Hillard. At the university of the country of the movement, Pierre Hillard had estimated that “the naturalization of the Jews in September 1791 opened the door to immigration”. “Perhaps we should return to the situation before 1789,” he concluded to the applause of the audience.

Anti marriage for all

The Civitas movement was founded in 1999, before officially becoming a political party in 2016. It was in the early 2010s that it gained notoriety, under the leadership of its president Alain Escada, a Belgian extreme activist. RIGHT. Civitas notably positioned itself against same-sex marriage in 2013, describing this social development as “homofolie”.

Close to fundamentalist Catholic circles and the Society of Saint Pius revelation of a photo where he performed a Nazi salute in front of a Hitler flag.

Attempts to weigh in on the debate

Civitas has tried to weigh in on the public debate, particularly around numerous controversial cases. Lawyers close to the movement notably assisted the parents of Vincent Lambert in their fight to keep their son alive, in a vegetative state between 2011 and 2019 following a road accident.

More recently, Alain Escada also called on supporters of the movement to meet in Saint-Brévin (Loire-Atlantique) to demonstrate against the proposed reception center for asylum seekers (Cada). The party opposed in April the holding of a Bilal Hassani concert in a former church in Metz (Moselle).

>> More information to follow

#Civitas #dissolution #procedure #acted #government

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