Claims defense violation of jurisdiction of Morelos prosecutor

by time news

2023-08-06 04:48:42

With the arrest warrant and its execution against the Attorney General of Morelos, Uriel Carmona Gándara, the jurisdictional authority of Mexico City violates what was resolved by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) regarding the local jurisdiction that the now detained, warned his defense.

“On March 2, the First Chamber of the SCJN ratified the jurisdiction of the Attorney General of the State of Morelos, so that in order to proceed against him for federal crimes, his immunity from prosecution must be withdrawn prior to proceedings before the Chamber of Deputies. local.

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“Apart from a resolution issued on July 27, the Judge of the Federal Criminal Justice Center in the State of Morelos ruled in the same sense as the Court, but also with regard to common law crimes, rejecting the request to achieve apprehend him and subject him to criminal proceedings requested by the authorities who are now attempting it in the local jurisdiction of Mexico City, ignoring that they are bound to respect both federal and local jurisdictions, on pain of incurring responsibilities of a penalty,” the defense explained to REFORMA.

“Because of the above, Carmona Gándara would have to recover his immediate freedom, since having federal and local jurisdiction, a criminal proceeding cannot be opened under any circumstances, much less impose the measure of preventive detention, neither justified nor informal. . By law, he cannot be held responsible for an alleged federal crime or a local crime without first removing his immunity from prosecution by the corresponding Chamber of Deputies, ”he added.

A judge from Mexico City is the one who is handling the case of the Attorney General of Morelos for “obstructing” the investigation into the femicide of Ariadna Fernanda, from the capital, which occurred in October of last year.

“The SCJN and the amparo judges are the highest bodies in jurisdiction throughout the country and all lower federal and local judges are subject to their authority, including in a prominent way the judge of Mexico City who will decide whether or not to open proceedings penalty against the Prosecutor of Morelos Uriel Carmona”, anticipated the lawyer.

“I hope I will not be subjected to torture, pressure or mistreatment that violates my physical integrity, I hope there is at least that respect between colleagues, because my family is at risk. This has been escalating from a political, media, legal onslaught and now they are about to stop me and well, there is not much to say. I hope that in Morelos, the Morelenses see how they operate from power; they talk about the power mafia and now, well, they have become the same thing,” Carmona told REFORMA yesterday.

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