Clark in his Report and Account: Strategic goals achieved

by time news

The Report and Account is a requirement that Clark complied with in accordance with the Constitution and the Organic Law of Public Administration.

Governor Victor Clark at the presentation of his Memory and Account affirmed that the strategic goals were met.

Affirmation based on the fact that the entity enjoys other conditions to advance in the economic recovery.

In a special session of the Legislative Council of Falcón state (Clef) delivered the books to Parliament and the Comptroller’s Office.

Volumes that reflect in detail the investments made with the resources assigned by the Venezuelan State.

Photo/ Gregorio Gonzalez

The act of delivery was made official by civil society actors who benefited from government actions.

Among them, a nurse, a teacher, a musician, an athlete, a public worker, a producer and a student.

You can read: Last details to reopen Calles Sierra emergency

Clark maintained that the firm steps during the past year allowed him to set the course towards the internationalization of the Falcón.

As instructed by President Nicolás Maduro due to the results presented.

He affirmed that social care was the priority during the year 2022.

However, it showed evidence of improvements in public services, security, tourism, the productive economy, culture and sports.

The Report and Account is a requirement that Clark complied with in accordance with the Constitution and the Organic Law of Public Administration.
Photo/ Gregorio Gonzalez

For his part, the president of Clef, Ulises Daal, stated that in the fiscal year, the people’s resources were invested in the town.

“Despite the economic situation, in 2022 there was excellent coordination between levels of government. Reason why the management was strengthened”.

Social investment was the priority

In the area of ​​social protection, the regional president reported on the distribution of 34,202 tons of food.

Coordinated by the more than 500 Local Supply and Production Committees (Clap) of the entity.

The social days attended 14,394 people with the participation of the missions and great missions.

The Report and Account is a requirement that Clark complied with in accordance with the Constitution and the Organic Law of Public Administration.
Photo/ Gregorio Gonzalez

In these conferences, eight thousand medical consultations were offered and 8,576 technical aids were delivered.

Through the social programs established to respond to the needs, they achieved a greater impact.

A total of 18,892 attentions directed to women through “And God made me a Woman” in the different modalities. While “The Hand of God” managed to assist 23 thousand Falconians week by week.

Health reached greater expansion, according to Memoria y Cuenta

In the Report and Account, Clark stated that in 2022 the recovery of health centers, both hospitals and outpatient clinics, had 50% more investment.

The actions allowed the decentralization of the health system with the activation of 13 new operating rooms, 40 delivery rooms that decreased the infant immortality rate and achieved 4,800 live births.

He also highlighted the firm step on investigative work with the start-up of the Falconian Institute for Scientific Research.

He stressed the execution of 4,000 surgeries of different complexities through the surgical plan, in addition to the provision of 1,000 medical consultations in various specialties.

The Report and Account is a requirement that Clark complied with in accordance with the Constitution and the Organic Law of Public Administration.
Photo/ Gregorio Gonzalez

“There is a lot that we must do, but we have a plan that we execute in the different axes. We are going to continue transforming”.

In this regard, he referred to the improvements to be delivered to the Calles Sierra (Punto Fijo) and Rómulo Farías (Mauroa) hospitals.

Also from Francisco Bustamante (Zamora) and Emigdio Ríos (Federation).

He maintained that they will accompany the Barrio Adentro mission and in turn will guarantee hospitalization, outpatient consultations, and staffing of the centers.

Public service improvements move forward

The governor exposed, in terms of water, the improvements in water distribution from 80.20% to 92.02%.

Increase that was achieved by the repair of 19 drinking water pumping stations.

It is worth mentioning that the water reserve in the reservoirs rose to 88% of its capacity, ensuring greater collection.

Regarding sewage, they recovered the functionality of 12 sewage stations and replaced 3,000 meters of collectors.

On the subject of domestic gas, he said that Gasfalca recharged 1,499,077 cylinders and activated the Dabajuro filling plant.

This impact on the response capacity of the five western municipalities.

“We are going to deliver the most modern plant in the country, in Sanare, in addition to filling and distribution, it will allow cylinder maintenance. This plant will bear the name of María Lastra”.

Regarding electrical energy, he pointed out that the consolidation of the Chichiriviche substation provides 30 megawatts to the area.

Photo/ Gregorio Gonzalez

There are 15 megawatts for the Monseñor Iturriza municipality and 15 for the Silva municipality. With the possibility of expanding the capacity to incorporate the Acosta municipality.

They also achieved corrective maintenance for the JC2 turbine of the Josefa Camejo thermoelectric plant and 19 state substations.

With regard to connectivity, fiber optic restitution work began with Cantv.

These works are part of a work plan that integrates all the operators in the country, “with the objective that there are no zones of silence.”

From the “Falcón illuminates you” plan, more than five thousand lights were replaced in streets and avenues. While the “Transformer Route” placed more than 600 teams in response to the VenApp of 1 x10 of good government.

Roads, an important aspect for connections

In the urban area, Clark stated that they carried out a progressive intervention of 200 kilometers in the 003 Morón-Coro trunk.

And 13,755 tons of asphalt were placed.

“Due to the rains in the last months of 2022, we had to implement a contingency plan.”

For this reason, they rehabilitated the communication routes of fallen sections, edge faults and culverts.

Which allowed a comprehensive intervention with weeding, signaling and demarcation.

While in rural areas, they began with the recovery of agricultural roads to strengthen productive activity.

“So far in 2023, there are six thousand tons of asphalt out of the 23,000 scheduled, let’s go through Falcón-Churuguara, Coro-Punto Fijo and Falcón-Zulia.”

Education to prepare the replacement generation

According to the report, Falcón’s student enrollment increased by 10.95%, which represents some 20,000 children.

With the work of the Bricomiles, 94 educational centers were transformed and three special education centers intervened.

Through the School Food Program (PAE) they distributed 2,600 tons of food and activated the canteens.

They also reactivated 287 Bolivarian IT and telematics centers.

The tourist potential added several points in the Memory and Account of Clark

The highest regional authority mentioned that Falcón has to become the tourist potential of Venezuela.

“We have shown that it is the most requested destination because Falcón has it all.”

Given this, he said that the transformation of the beach corridor of the Peninsula with Adícora began.

He mentioned that Morrocoy and Médanos de Coro are two of the three most visited national parks in the holidays.

And that the service providers of Los Taques, Falcón, Monsignor Iturriza and Silva obtained financing.

Thriving land of sporting glories

In the Report and Account, Clark justified that to support the spread of sport, the regional government invested in the consolidation of sports spaces.

So the Falconian delegation got sixth place in the National Youth Games.

A total of 42 athletes from Caquetí extolled the name of Venezuela in international competitions.

And they reached the professionalization of soccer with the debut of the Héroes de Falcón team in the second division.

more achievements

  • Recovery of the Don Pablo Saher Fair Complex.
  • Agricultural Expo
  • Movement of entrepreneurs achieved more than 300 financing and the formalization of more than 8,500 businesses.
  • Falcón was ranked, for the second consecutive year, among the three safest states in the country.
  • It was the second state with the highest drug seizures with the seizure of more than 13,000 panelas.
  • Recovery of the Punta Cardón Sports Cultural Complex where more than 1,500 daily services are offered.
  • Renovation of religious temples.
  • Show of talent with the performance of “Falcón sounds good at Christmas”.

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