Claude Calmon, founder of Calmon Partners Group: “I encourage recruiting senior profiles”

by time news

He launched himself in the middle of Covid, during the summer of 2020. Since then, his firm has grown and provided his expertise both in recruitment – particularly in the finance professions – and in advice for fundraising or even relations. public. Claude Calmon gives us his analysis of the job market for seniors.

Why hire a senior?

CLAUDE CALMON. At home, they represent 50% of my workforce and have been a real growth accelerator thanks to their expertise, knowledge of large groups and their networks. More generally, today, seniors also master digital tools and issues. They just have to know how to adapt, be able to be managed by younger people, especially in the world of start-ups. Moreover, I encourage to recruit this type of profile. They save time because they know their trade and are ready to share their know-how and modernize it. Above all, they do not want to be wrong. They are at the end of their career and will want to stay with the company. Seniors don’t want to jump from one box to another, like someone 30 or 35 years old.

Claude Calmon, founder of Calmon Partners Group.

What advice to give to a senior looking for a job?

In the vast majority of cases, they were dismissed. During the initial negotiation, they must ask to be followed by an “outplacement” firm (professional reclassification assistance). They will relearn how to sell themselves and put in place a snap method to directly request an appointment. Today, a cover letter is no longer useful. You need a concise CV and an up-to-date LinkedIn profile, with specific keywords because the algorithm is constantly changing. Seniors must highlight their operational efficiency.

What are the sectors that recruit them?

They have their place in financial services, start-ups to manage accounting, human resources, support functions. They have real expertise. Some even become “senior advisors”, they advise. Their experience means that they have already seen a lot during their career. They know how to manage crises, moments of tension. Not to mention those who are in the commercial world and know their sector and their environment perfectly.

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