Claudia Sheinbaum; Hector Melesio Cuen Ojeda; Ruben Rocha; Javier Corral; MCCI and more

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The President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) carried out the Morning conference today Friday August 16, 2024 live from the National Palace with several topics on his agenda.

The morning press conference began after 7:20 a.m. in the Treasury Room of the National Palace.

Among the important issues is the constancy of majority that accredited Claudia Sheinbaum, President-elect of Mexicowhich is why she gave a speech at the Metropolitan Theater.

He also highlighted the case of the murder of Héctor Melesio Cuén Ojeda, which was brought to the attention of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) and assured that the contradictions will be reported.

The President AMLO took up the case of Javier Corralsince the Chihuahua Prosecutor’s Office declared it fugitive from justice and assured that it is a political revenge.

On the other hand, he shared that he will wait to know what Joe Biden received your letter regarding funding for Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) to make it known; however, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) has already sent its diplomatic letter on the case.

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Claudia Sheinbaum; Hector Melesio Cuen Ojeda; Ruben Rocha; Javier Corral; MCCI and more” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” title=”Live press conference, from the National Palace. Friday, August 16, 2024 | President AMLO”>

Morning press conference: AMLO announces surprise tribute to migrants for Monday, August 19

Finally, the president AMLO announced that he will have a surprise for the festival and Tribute to migrants at his morning press conference on Monday, August 19.

“Surprise for the festival and tribute for our migrants”


He also said that he could eliminate the presentation of progress on the Mayan Train on that day to have more time for the conference and the tribute.

Morning Press Conference: It is in Mexico’s interest that the opposition exists, says AMLO

AMLO assured that Democracy in Mexico requires a strong opposition since it provides counterweights and balance so that “no one feels absolute.”

However, he assured that this opposition must be real and beneficial to the people.

“In a democracy, it is necessary that there be opposition and that it be a strong opposition. Democracy is about counterweights, about balances, democracy is so that no one, at any level, feels absolute.”


Morning press conference: AMLO asks legislators to think about the people of Mexico when discussing reforms

The President AMLO He congratulated all the legislators who won their place in the Congress of the Union in the 2024 elections and assured that now:

“They will have to carry out an important task in this new legislature because they will discuss and approve a package of initiatives that will return the 17th constitution to its spirit of social justice, democracy, strengthening of the rule of law, of an authentic rule of law.”


He also sent a message to opposition legislators and asked them to “act with the social interest in mind, with the people in mind, with the country in mind. Don’t vote against everything because of our differences or thinking about slogans.”

Morning press conference: AMLO announces protection for lemon producers in Michoacán

On the other hand, AMLO highlighted that in the case of conflicts with lemon growers in Michoacán due to the violence and extortion they denounce, they are already working together with the State Security Secretariat to provide protection to producers and avoid a sustained increase in the price of this product.

“The army, the National Guard, and the state police are already intervening to provide protection to producers”


Morning press conference: AMLO reveals that Claudia Sheinbaum keeps a diary to write a book about tours

After it was announced that Claudia Sheinbaum seeks to write a book about the tours he has made with the president; AMLO revealed that the president-elect keep a diary.

She also shared that the president-elect writes in this diary while travelling, and also writes her speeches for the public rallies she attends.

“She even points out something that is not indiscreet but few do, along the way she writes her speeches. It is very important that a president, a male president, does not have speeches made for him, that they make them. And Claudia does not have them made and she writes them. That is important… my recommendation, she does not need any recommendation, but in general for politicians is that when they have to speak, even if they are good speakers, they should try to write their speeches, it is the best thing to do.”


AMLO She recalled that “she really liked it” when citizens tried to give her a document and “she got out of the truck through the window to receive the document” during one of her tours.

Morning press conference: SRE sent diplomatic letter to the United States government for MCCI

President AMLO shared that he already has the draft of his card to President Joe Biden to address the issue of financing to MCCI; however, stressed that I will not share it until I know that I received it.

However, the diplomatic letter from the SRE was already sent by Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena, who stressed that this This is the second time that the United States government has been asked not to fund the organization..

The first diplomatic letter was sent in 2021; however, “they did not pay attention to it,” said AMLO.

Morning press conference: AMLO recalls interview with Ciro Gómez Leyva for impeachment in 2004

During his morning press conference, AMLO recalled the interview conducted by Ciro Gómez Leyva when they tried to remove his immunity between 2004 and 2005, when he was head of government of the then Federal District.

He also stressed that the journalist had already assumed that the impeachment would proceed, and that, he said, it was his responsibility to defend any politician who had been attacked like him, such as Javier Corral, who they wanted to arrest before he was sworn in as a legislator.

Morning press conference: They are fabricating crimes against Javier Corral, says AMLO

AMLO stated that the case against former governor Javier Corral is to be based on crimes manufactured by Maru Camposcurrent governor of Chihuahua.

He also recalled that this case was created due to Corral’s complaint against César Duarte for the improper use of money for campaigns.

“So, they come with revenge and accuse Javier Corral of embezzling 90 million pesos… and the accusation is made by the Chihuahua Attorney General’s Office and the one who is leading the trial is the Chihuahua Judicial Branch… It is a completely political matter”


Morning press conference: AMLO reiterates that the case against Javier Corral is political revenge

The President He reiterated that the case against Javier Corral is about “political revenge” for the Duarte case between the former governor and the current governor of Chihuahua, Maru Campos.

AMLO also said that he is “lazy” to remember the context of the case “given the amnesia” regarding the corruption case of César Duarte, also former governor of Chihuahua.

“These are things that have to do with political revenge… What I can say is that politically there is a difference between the current governor and the former governor that originates because the former governor Corral is the promoter of the complaint against Governor Duarte, the accusation of corruption… since Corral is going to be a senator, they are rushing to arrest him, to implicate him, so that he cannot be a senator.”


Morning press conference: AMLO supports Rubén Rocha and applauds the FGR’s attraction of the Cuén case

AMLO assured that his government wants a thorough and serious investigation to be carried out so that everything that happened with the Murder of former rector of the UAS, Hector Cuen and applauded the attraction of the case from the FGR.

He also asked the prosecutor’s office to provide information on the events after the contradictions between the first version of the Sinaloa Prosecutor’s Office and the alleged letter from Mayo Zambada were revealed.

In the same sense, reaffirmed his support for Governor Rubén Rochaas he stressed that he was out of the country at the time of the attack on Héctor Melesio Cuén Ojeda.

“I think it was a good idea to take on the case and have the Attorney General’s Office in charge of the investigation because of what we are already learning, these contradictions.”


Morning press conference: AMLO applauds speech by Claudia Sheinbaum, president-elect, at the TEPJF

AMLO also reacted to the Claudia Sheinbaum’s speech at the TEPJF after receiving her certificate of majority as president-elect and stressed that she dedicated it to the importance of women

“She basically dedicated it to women. I was very pleased because she had spoken about women, but I think that yesterday she was more emphatic about the importance of women… The truth is I am very happy, very satisfied, very calm. We are in a very good moment in the country.”


Morning press conference: AMLO highlights Claudia Sheinbaum’s train project

The President AMLO highlighted Claudia Sheinbaum’s passenger train project in the north of the country He stressed that “it is something extraordinary” because it represents a great project that will generate many jobs and reactivate the economy, which will strengthen the domestic market.

“He has already committed to do twice as much as we did. It’s history.”


Morning press conference: AMLO shares weekend tour; he could go with Claudia Sheinbaum

The President AMLO He shared that this weekend he will visit 4 entities as part of his supervision tour together with Claudia Sheinbaum.

According to the president, with this, they will have finished visiting the 32 states of the republic and he stressed that “it is likely that we can go together,” because He is not concerned about the safety of both of them by traveling on the same plane.

  1. Colima
  2. Michoacan
  3. Jalisco
  4. New Leon

“There are several states, several evaluation meetings. We just finished visiting the 32 states this weekend…we finished the tour of the entire country with the president and before receiving her certificate as president-elect, she had to go on commercial and highway routes.”


2024-08-16 16:10:32

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