Cleaners in South Tyrolean post offices without pay for 5 months – News

by times news cr

BOLZANO. “The cleaners at the post offices in Alto Adige did not receive pay for five months.” This was reported by the Filcams trade category of the CGIL/AGB. As the union explains, these are around fifty workers who continued to carry out their jobs without pay for months, also bearing the costs of traveling from one post office to another.

The situation was determined by the bankruptcy of the Caltanissetta company “Nuova Idea” just two years after taking over the contract. “They are mostly women – specifies Luigi Liguori of Filcams – with involuntary part-time contracts of a few hours per week and therefore very low incomes”. “The situation has also occurred in the past, for twenty years now, female workers have been losing pay and at the same time dignity – continues Liguori – Nobody cares about them: neither when they work, nor when they go without pay. Entire families are at the mercy of a labor market based on maximum decline”.

The workers have not been paid for months because the companies, as the Filcams trade unionist explains, “turn out to be empty boxes and despite the insolvency procedure admitting the workers’ requests, it is always the community that pays with the INPS guarantee fund which between the other does not cover, in this dispute, all five months, but only the last three. In addition to the last months of pay, the workers also lost the ancillary elements and severance pay”.

The company that currently carries out the service has already communicated to the category that it will only remain until February 2025 and therefore does not intend to participate in the new tender. “This – continues the trade unionist – makes us understand that the procurement contract is at the lowest possible level without any guarantee for the workers”. The union urges local politics to intervene so that Poste Italiane does more for workers: “There is a risk of contributing to the proliferation of these disputes, which could instead be eliminated upstream”, observes Liguori.

2024-10-01 21:08:35

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