Clément Beaune announces the compulsory technical inspection of two-wheelers from 2024

by time news

2023-06-24 15:52:57

At the beginning of June, the Council of State had given the government two months to introduce this measure. The Minister Delegate for Transport has just noted this Saturday that it would be applied “early 2024”.

While the Council of State had given the government two months to adopt the decree setting up the technical control for motorized two-wheelers (CT2R), in accordance with a European obligation that France has still not applied, a schedule has just been communicated. The Minister Delegate for Transport announced this Saturday on Brut that technical control would become compulsory from “early 2024” for the “oldest vehicles, i.e. those registered before 1 January 2017“. With the deadline “every five years for the first time, and then every three years“, he added.

“All two-wheelers are concerned”

An expected measure, when the minister had already affirmed, in a press release, that the government would apply “of course the decision of the Council of State» and that he himself would specify «in the next few days the timetable and the modalities of thecontroltechnique». «All two-wheelers are concerned“, whether it is models of less or more than 125 cm3, specifies Clément Beaune.

As for the cost of this technical control, which he wishes to be as fair as possible for the owners of two-wheelers, he asked that it be reduced to “fifty euros». «It is in discussion with the technical centers to put pressure and lower the price as much as possible.“, continues the Minister. In addition, he proposes to accompany “those who have an old two-wheeled vehicle (…) with a conversion bonus». «There will be up to 6,000 euros in aid from the start of 2024 to switch to an electric or not very polluting vehicle».

«For it to be as relevant as possible, the CT2R will focus on safety, reduction of noise pollution and emission control and for it to be as simple and effective as possible, we propose to divide by four the number of checkpoints in relation to technical inspections of cars“, Communicated the ministry this Saturday, explaining that if all two-wheelers were indeed concerned, “sports motorcycles” who does not “do not travel on public roads» et «obviously do not present the same challenges as other vehicleswere excluded. On the contrary, scooters will be subject to it, insofar as they present “a high accident rate and can also be the source of significant air or noise pollution in the city».

“Between January 15 and March 15”

The ministry also distilled some information regarding the schedule. “In view of the incompressible deadlines necessary for the CT2R to take place in good conditions, the text submitted for public consultation provides for entry into force between January 15, 2024 and March 15, 2024.Knowing that the exact date of entry into force will be specified according to the feedback from the public consultation, launched at the request of the Council of State until July 21, 2023 and put online this Monday on the ministry’s website www.

This entry into force “will be progressive according to the age of the vehicles and staggered until January 1, 2027”, and this, explains the entourage of the minister “so as not to create a bottleneck by bringing nearly four million vehicles into the system at once“. And to affirm: “nWe will also facilitate the administrative procedures to ensure a sufficient territorial network and thus guarantee that the CT2R takes place in good conditions.».

The victory of some, the disappointment of others

«It’s a victory for us, but above all it’s a victory for ecology and public health.“, rejoices this Saturday Tony Renucci, the director general of the association Respire, who tackles the government which relied according to his words”on the fight of environmental associations» pour «do not have to take responsibility for themselves». «It’s not just an announcement, it’s a government that voluntarily disobeyed European regulations, while a European Union directive dated 2014 required States to set up a technical control for two-wheelers of 125 cc or more“, he continues.

As a reminder, supported by the associations Ras le Scoot and Paris without a car, Respire had urgently seized the Council of State to demand the application of the European directive as soon as possible. The highest administrative court in the country then took the decision to “reinstate the decree which provides for the technical inspection of motorized two-wheeled vehicles“, directing the executive to apply it on January 1, 2023 “according to a staggered schedule of checks by age of the vehicles“. The application will finally be a year late.

«Ecology, road safety and public tranquility will have ended up getting the better of the unjustifiable privilege of bikers and scooters. Technical control is for everyone!“, for its part welcomed the association”aimed at reducing the nuisance of motorized two-wheelersRas Le Scoot, on his social networks.

«We are going to demonstrate, do punch operations because we continue to oppose“To this announcement, reacted Jean-Marc Belotti, the coordinator of the French Federation of Angry Bikers (FFMC) for Paris and its inner suburbs. In particular, he judges that the looming device is “pure racketeering», «strictly useless» for vehicles on which «you can see with the naked eye and very easily all the safety devices».

#Clément #Beaune #announces #compulsory #technical #inspection #twowheelers

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