Clément Beaune criticizes the Nupes alongside Daniel Cohn-Bendit

by time news
Clément Beaune (from the back) during a public meeting in a café in the 12th arrondissement, with Daniel Cohn-Bendit, in Paris, May 24, 2022.

At 77, Daniel Cohn-Bendit recognizes this, he has “past the age of campaigning”. But for « Clément »et “for Europe”, the former ecologist member of the European Parliament, figure of May 68, made an exception. At the “happy hour”, this Tuesday, May 24, at Bota Bastoch’, in the 12e district of Paris, he came to support Clément Beaune, the candidate of the presidential party, Renaissance (ex-La République en Marche), for the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, in the 7ecapital district. The first ballot in which this close friend of Emmanuel Macron rubs shoulders. A « combat rude », according to the person concerned, who is playing his legitimacy and his future as Minister Delegate in charge of Europe. In case of failure, the rule was recalled by the Head of State: the candidates will have to leave the government. “It is a stage in my young political life. Either I cross the hurdle or I don’t cross it and in this case there will be consequenceshe summarizes, combative. I want to be elected somewhere. »

The senior official, enarque, former Socialist Party and specialist in Europe, is described by his competitor from the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), lawyer Caroline Mécary as a “a neoliberal technocrat who is where he is told to go”. He also hits his opponent straight away whom he qualifies “extreme left” by praising point by point the program of the Head of State. The ballot, he insists, aims to give a majority to Emmanuel Macron so that this project is carried out.

“We hear a lot of noise and commotion. This election is not a third round in the presidential election, it is not a political revenge”he attacks, targeting the leader of La France insoumise and Nupes. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who lost the presidential election three times, now explains to us that he won and that he won so much that he will be ‘elected’ prime minister”he complains.

Read also: Legislative 2022: why does Jean-Luc Mélenchon speak of a “third round” of the presidential election?

Critical Ambassador

But Clément Beaune knows it. His favorite subject, Europe, is often ” boring “. This is when “Dany le Rouge” comes on the scene to defend the one who “represents the best of what exists in macronism”. “There are a lot of things in macronism in Emmanuel Macron’s positions that irritate me. I’m like, “God, you can’t shut up!” », recognizes the septuagenarian. But, “on Europe, it is built”.

For nearly twenty minutes, Daniel Cohn-Bendit becomes the critical ambassador of the Head of State. And takes the opportunity to torpedo his friends who joined LFI to form the Nupes. “This desire for a left opposition I understand it”, but this agreement is ” a betrayal “, he lets go. Yesterday’s rebel joined the “camp of reason”advocated by Clément Beaune also in the name of the ecological emergency. “What I don’t understand about the ecologists in my family is that they tell me: ‘It’s five past midnight, the planet is going to explode’. I tell them: “well, go ahead, negotiate a program of government.” “Oh no, with En Marche! Never ! Poor planet, no one will save it.he concludes.

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