Climate change denial is “marginal” in Spain

by time news


Among voters of all parties, the belief that the planet is not warming is residual. It is somewhat more widespread among Vox supporters, where only one in five think so.

Climate change worries Spaniards widely, regardless of their political affiliation, and denial is an attitude minority and marginal even among voters further to the right. So far, the conclusions of the demoscopic study environmentalisms in competitionmade by Oikos, the think tank of recent creation that proposes to contribute to the environmental debate from a liberal-conservative perspective in Spain.

92% of Spaniards believe that climate change is taking place, according to a study carried out in collaboration with the 40dB agency. Of these, 97% think that it is a “very or quite serious” problem, and 94% believe that the cause is human actions. Among the voters of the Popular Party and Citizens, the “deniers” do not reach 10% and even in Vox the prevalence is minority: one in five.

The results of the demoscopic study show that “we must go beyond the debate between skepticism and adherence” to the climate cause, warn Luis Quiroga and Toni Timoner, co-founders of Oikos, who stress that, today, there is a consensus “on the need to decarbonise the economy”.

“What actually exists are differences about how the energy transition should be,” they stress. “Right-wing voters are betting that it happen in a flexible, orderly manner and taking advantage of the dynamism of the markets. Left-wingers prefer measures that are more drastic and restrictive, which involve increasing State control of the economy.”

Left-wing voters perceive their parties as “defenders of the environment and the fight against climate change.” most of voters of the right or center-right feel, however, “orphans” in this sense, since they consider that no party in their political spectrum shows “greater concern for the matter”.

The co-founders of Oikos refer to another of the great conclusions of the study to reinforce the thesis of the most diffused ideological line: almost all of the citizens (95.7%) agree that the environment “is a value to preserve future generations”.

Regardless of political beliefs, a vast majority of Spaniards agree on the Need for greater support for new renewable energy sources, in the commitment to reduce emissions before 2050 and in the obligation for companies to make their environmental impact public. The measures that involve “restrictions or taxes” or the construction of a nuclear power plant in the immediate vicinity are the ones that have the least popular support.

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Interestingly, right-wing voters’ perception of their own parties improves when asked about “the ability to manage climate change”, in contrast to the “general drop in appreciation across the entire spectrum of lefts” on the same issues .

Finally, Luis Quiroga and Toni Timoner warn that there is an increasingly wide space for “alternative and legitimate proposals” that can contribute to the environmental debate. Voters of the right and center-right, ultimately, would be “more predisposed to improve their opinion on climate policies” if these finally emanate from their related parties.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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