Climate “stress tests” for farmers who settle

by time news

A sunflower field in the NIèvre victim of the heat wave in the summer of 2022. Myriam Tirler / Hans Lucas via Reuters Connect

DECRYPTION – Today, aspiring farmers must be able to select crops allowing them to project themselves into twenty or thirty years.

“Those who settle today must be aware of what they are committing to in the next thirty years”, they say to the office of Marc Fesneau, the Minister of Agriculture. And the 13,000 farmers who settle in France each year must “especially to see if the production they choose can survive a warming of 2, 3 or 5 degrees”. In the corridors of the ministry as in those of the chambers of agriculture, it is recognized: few sectors will cross the decades to come without having to adapt to the pressure of the weather.

To avoid disappointments, the hundred or so chambers of agriculture in France are launching an original system this year: climate “stress tests”. The objective is to assess the vulnerability of farms to the vagaries of the sky. A variation of “climate diagnostics” for farmers already in activity, these stress tests aim to establish a complete pedoclimatic inventory of the projects of future farmers.

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