Climate: the call of companies to governments to follow their commitments

by time news

Two hundred major companies, including Ikea and Microsoft, have signed an appeal urging governments to meet their climate commitments.

Source AFP

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« NWe need governments, starting with the world’s most advanced economies, to maintain their commitment to limit warming to 1.5°C and to act quickly to implement it,” reads the appeal. signed by 200 companies (Bayer, EDF, H & M, Ikea, Microsoft, Nestlé, Saint-Gobain, Unilever, Volvo, etc.), some of which come from sectors identified for their negative environmental impact, or institutions such as the International Chamber of Commerce.

“This is an important initiative which underlines that we must see 1.5°C not as a goal or something vague but as the limit for a livable world,” former Irish President Mary Robinson told reporters. , who leads the “Sages”, a group founded by Nelson Mandela bringing together former leaders working for peace in the world.

The Paris Agreement of 2015 aims to limit global warming to well below +2°C and if possible +1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial era.

“Halve global emissions by 2030”

“This is for governments, those here at the COP who have not yet raised their national ambitions as they promised in Glasgow, and in particular the G20 which will meet next week” in Bali, explained Mary Robinson. “It is really, really important that governments start to take seriously their responsibilities to halve global emissions by 2030, as they rise. This is madness ! she exclaimed.

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María Mendiluce, chief executive of the climate-committed business coalition “We Mean Business,” stressed the importance of maintaining a clear 1.5°C target to guide business. “Once you set a budget and a limit, then you can deliver results,” she said.

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