Climate: Urso no extension for mandatory catastrophic events insurance

by time news

(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) – Padua, 24 September – “No postponement is foreseen regarding the mandatory insurance against catastrophic events for businesses.

The laws were approved a year ago. With me present as minister, we worked on a discussion with businesses and the insurance system on the implementing decree which, as expected, will allow the application of this law from January 1, 2025″.

These are the words of the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Marmomac fair in Verona. “I believe it is our duty – added the minister – to secure our country and its productive, economic and industrial heritage.

This regulation essentially provides that in the event of a catastrophic event, in the face of compulsory insurance, insurance companies are required to advance within 15 days at least 30% of what must be paid to those who have suffered this type of event. In this way, we give the company the certainty of quickly having the economic resources to resume their work”.


(RADIOCOR) 24-09-24 13:44:25 (0350) 5 NNNN

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