Clinical laboratory of the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital in Cuenca supplies itself with supplies and renews its equipment – ​​Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Cuenca, April 6, 2023

The Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital (HVCM) carried out the electronic reverse auction process for USD 913,304 for the acquisition of supplies for the clinical laboratory areas. 15 teams were renewed that will improve the response time of the exam results.

Juan Patiño, coordinator of the HVCM clinical laboratory, highlighted that: “we stocked up on tests and determinations for the areas of chemistry, immunology, blood gases, hematology, coagulation, urinalysis and electrolytes to guarantee the supply of inputs for test processing that our internal and external users require.

This acquisition has in turn allowed a technological change. With the new equipment there is greater agility in the processing of the tests, which guarantee external quality controls, with the beneficiaries being the patients in the outpatient, hospitalization and emergency areas of this health center and the reference provinces of zone 6 (Azuay, Cañar and Morona Santiago).

“It is very good that the laboratory has everything necessary, supplies and equipment to carry out the tests requested by the doctors and issue a timely diagnosis of the ailments we have and provide us with the appropriate treatment,” said Mónica Ramón, a user of the hospital.

In 2022, the laboratory service carried out 1,288,000 tests, covering the entire reference area. During January and February of this year, 232,516 tests were carried out, corresponding to: 97,204 requested by external consultation, 76,928 by hospitalization and 58,384 by emergency of this health home.

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