Close silence NSDC: What are they saying about the new solution to the problems in Unot?

by time news

Impotence is one of the most embarrassing issues among men, and due to the feeling of shame, men find it difficult to talk about it. But with the launch of an innovative medical device, and in light of the results it achieves, it seems that the wall of silence has broken a little and that feedback, in words or gestures, is not late in arriving. Ilan Schleissner, the service and sales manager of the developer of the device, tells about the customer reactions and the feedback that particularly surprised him

Impotence and difficulties in sexual function are sensitive topics like no other. Many men experience this on some level – and contrary to popular belief, the phenomenon exists among men of various ages, and not just in old age. Furthermore, the rate of men who suffer from the phenomenon (at various levels) is quite high, but the feelings of shame and damage to self-confidence make the phenomenon something that is not talked about – not with friends and family members, not even with the doctor. That is why it is surprising and gratifying to see that the Vertika device – an innovative Israeli patent that provides a solution to a common problem – is revolutionizing not only when it comes to improving sexual function, but also when it comes to patients’ willingness to talk about it openly and share the results of its use. But to understand what caused men to talk about him, it is important to first understand what he offers.

How the vertical device works
The solutions that existed until now on the medical market offered men who suffered from difficulties in sexual function medicinal treatments (such as the Viagra pill and similar) or invasive treatments (such as penile injections, vacuum suctions, etc.). Some of the solutions caused side effects, some were prohibited for use in certain cases (such as in cases that there are underlying diseases), and all treated only the symptoms and not the root of the matter. The Vertika device, a development of the Israeli start-up company O-Med Medical, is actually the first device that offers in-depth treatment of the root of the problem and not just the symptoms caused by it. The device works using radio waves Low frequency (RF), which heats and restores the collagen fibers in the sheath of the penis, helps the blood to be ‘trapped’ in the organ – thus producing an erection mechanism over time.

The Vertica device. O-Med Medical

The success that broke the barrier of shame
The treatment with the Vertika device, it turns out, is a real Game Changer, not only in the way it is used, but also in the patients’ willingness to talk about the phenomenon. True, it is still not a widespread phenomenon – impotence is still a difficult and embarrassing topic to talk about – but according to Ilan Schleissner, the company’s service and sales manager, you can see more and more cases where satisfied customers provide feedback on the device and even recommend it to others… “No I assumed it would happen, but recently a happy phenomenon of ‘a friend brings a friend’ has developed,” says Schleissner, “a patient calls and says that his brother, or a friend of his, recommended him to try the device – and that he wants to too.” The meaning is that people overcome their shame to help the people who are important to them, and in fact a discourse is created here on a topic that has never come up for open discussion before. Another trend, adds Schleissner, is the desire (or perhaps willingness) of the potential patient to speak with a flesh-and-blood representative. One of the most prominent advantages of Bortica is the preservation of discretion – the device can be bought directly from the company’s website, without the need to consult a family doctor. However, the company decided to invest in an orderly and high-quality service system, to make the decision and buying process easier for customers. “Recently, there are many customers who choose to talk to us before the purchase. They are skeptical and are not in a hurry to believe, usually due to a failed past experience with other devices, and they want to talk to a service representative and see that the company has a ‘father and mother’. Sometimes they even come to the company’s offices to see that there is A face behind the device,” says Schleissner, “and we allow this – because it is important to us to maintain maximum transparency.” “We always make sure to tell customers that there is no 100% success, similar to any other medical field,” emphasizes Schleissner, “and we allow a partial refund for those who purchased the device and are not satisfied – and this is another and very important feedback for us, since such return cases are few and void in sixty Compared to the successes and the good feedback.”

Ilan Schleissner, O-Med Medical. Photography: Shay and Zadias

The surprising result that no one thought of
Schleissner says that each customer ‘fell in love’ with the device for a different reason. Some were enthusiastic about the fact that there was no need to schedule the treatment specifically for the sexual act (thus preserving their spontaneity), while others placed the element of discretion as the most significant thing for them. Schleissner concludes and says that the trust of the customers is also expressed in the fact that they purchase complementary products from the company, such as the ultrasound gel necessary for the treatment. “They don’t have to buy gel from us, it’s certainly possible to buy it elsewhere, but many customers prefer to buy from us – which is gratifying, because it shows that they trust us. We are happy with any feedback, and are even more excited by non-verbal feedback – when people They point with their feet or talk about us.”

The device can be bought discreetly on the company’s website ( and even contact a service representative using one of the contact methods on the website.

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