Close to Outline with President, Deri Reveals: Contacts Ceased Due to Gallant’s Firing

by time news

The leader of Shas, MK Aryeh Deri, broke his silence in an interview with Abraham Dov Greenbaum and Shimon Liberty in the Shas website’s ‘Hadarech’ newspaper. He spoke about the recent legal reform and the protests surrounding it. Deri had tried to advance the “Deri Law 2” to a vote in the Knesset but failed. He commented on the demonstrators involved in the protests, stating that they had no limits and had caused harm to the country. He also discussed the cessation of legislation, stating that negotiations would occur after Passover. He mentioned the possibility of an outline with the president that was disrupted due to Gallant’s dismissal. Deri concluded by criticizing their lack of strategy and planning when presenting the reform to the public.

The chairman of Shas, the dismissed minister MK Aryeh Deri, in an interview with Abraham Dov Greenbaum and Shimon Liberty in the newspaper ‘Hadarech’ in Shas’s website, referred to the legal reform and the turmoil surrounding it this evening (Sunday). Deri speaks out after several weeks of remaining silent, among other things following the “Deri Law 2” which he tried to advance to a vote in the Knesset plenum but without success, when the Knesset dispersed and the law will have to wait for the next session.

Regarding the demonstrators, he said, “What has been proven before the eyes of all of Israel in recent months is the fact that they simply have no limits, especially the organizers of the left-wing demonstrations, they have no limits in what they did to harm the country. I tell you with certainty, until the very last day, bloodshed And there were no exaggerations or exaggerations in the fratricidal war, those who know the things, know what was behind the scenes, know that once the Nazarene is released, it is very difficult to regain control of it. The danger was real and tangible.”

Regarding the stoppage of the legislation, the chairman of Shas said: “He who saw all the things had to make the right decision. What a hero conquers his nature. The definition that the Prime Minister said is the right one, we do not stop, we postpone, to suspend the legislation. We leave After the break, we leave for Passover, and let’s see if their words are true. We will sit down to talk, but about the entire outline of the entire reform, not only about the issue of the committee for the appointment of judges, but about all the articles of the reform, everything will be on the table. If we come to an understanding of what is good, Of course we would all be happy to have understandings and agreements. If not, if they disrupt the negotiations, we will move forward without them. Let’s not forget, the laws are already ready for a second and third reading, we don’t have to wait any more months, as soon as we want, we can enter the plenum and pass the laws.”

“By the way, I’ll give you the scoop, at the beginning of this week, there was a very good chance to conclude an outline with the president of the country with far-reaching changes, an outline that is not at all similar to the first outline he published, with the agreement of many senior officials, including legal ones, from all sides. We would not We are far from there, but we haven’t reached the finish line, Gallant’s dismissal also stopped the contacts,” he added. Regarding the cracks in the coalition, he said: “Don’t forget that our major partner in the coalition is the Likud party, they are the ruling party, and the Likud is not Shas, nor even religious Zionism, we saw what was there, it says this way and it says that way, and it will vote and it will not vote “.

Finally, he referred to the coalition’s mistakes: “I say this also with self-criticism and self-reflection, we did not conduct ourselves correctly. Unequivocally. We started a nuclear war with a pop-up gun. We did not organize with proper information, with a proper strategy on how to pass the reform, how to explain to the public what exactly it means The reform and how it solves the problems. We made the mistake of presenting the entire package of the reform together, when everyone knows that it cannot be passed at once, and anyway it takes a long time to legislate it section by section, and people suddenly saw all this backlog of the reform, and were stressed.” .

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