closure of the YouTube channel and political censorship –

by time news

2023-08-17 18:50:33

In recent days, the announcement of the closure of the SCOTT RIDER YouTube channel has only strengthened the lively debate that has already been going on for some time. This debate had been initiated above all during the Covid pandemic and on the occasion of the war in Syria. Undoubtedly, we are dealing with a clear form of censorship, and the consequences of this decision are of considerable importance with regard to democracy and the safeguarding of the fundamental rights of free expression.

For those who may not be familiar with the name, Scott RIDER is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, as well as the author of the acclaimed book “Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union ”. His track record includes relevant experiences, including service as an inspector for the implementation of the INF Treaty in the Soviet Union and the role of chief weapons inspector at the United Nations in Iraq from 1991 to 1998. Currently, RIDER deals with issues related to international security, military affairs, Russia, the Middle East, arms control and non-proliferation.

Regarding the closure of the channel, RIDER shared his views, emphasizing that “YouTube’s partnership with the CIA is not just a matter of perpetuating political ignorance, but rather represents a sophisticated system that favors state policies.” He argued that using the elimination of “hate speech,” this partnership imposes a selected reading of the events and favors the diffusion of Russophobia, as well as repressing any content related to Russia.

RIDER further expanded on his thinking, stating that the closure of the program “The Scott Ritter Show” mirrors aspects of repression seen in films such as “Come and See,” where the idea of ​​depriving Russia and the Russians of a voice is clearly represented. This closure was perceived as an act of hostility, with the intention of silencing alternative perspectives.

Based on the quote “because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear and do not understand.” taken from the Book of Matthew (13:14),ironically, RIDER compared YouTube’s decision to it. Additionally, he criticized the platform for choosing to suppress resulting threads inconvenient for the powers that be who influence the policies of content moderation.

As an American citizen, RIDER has expressed his disappointment with what he believes a flagrant violation of his First Amendment right, which protects freedom of expression. In this context, he urged those who argue that YouTube is a private entity and therefore exempt from complying with the First Amendment, to reflect on the possible involvement of the US government in YouTube’s content decisions, as this would constitute a violation of constitutional law.

RIDER emphasized that the consequences of YouTube’s actions are not limited to US citizens, but also affect those living outside the US, including Russians. He stated that the YouTube/CIA partnership appears to be aimed at eliminating Russian perspectives from Western public perception.

To address Russophobia and promote a more comprehensive understanding of international dynamics, RIDER advocated the importance of disseminating alternative information and perspectives. He recognized Russia’s right to be heard and promised to continue his mission through platforms such as Rumble, which respect the principle of freedom of expression. Additionally, it has indicated that its content remains accessible across different online platforms.

In conclusion, RIDER called for embracing the diversity of opinions and perspectives, especially in a global context where information plays a crucial role. He underlined how dialogue and mutual understanding are fundamental tools for tackling ignorance and promoting an open and inclusive debate. Beyond the closure of his YouTube channel, RIDER represents an example of how the determination to make a voice heard can overcome the technological and political challenges of our time.

In addition to the Youtube channel, currently closed, Scott Rider is present on Twitter @RealScottRitter and on Telegram @ScottRitter “.

#closure #YouTube #channel #political #censorship

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