CNA proposes changes in the tax reform proposal

by time news

2023-08-15 22:18:57

Entity participated in Senate hearing

The Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) participated, on Tuesday (15), in a public hearing at the Economic Affairs Committee of the Senate (CAE) to discuss the proposed tax reform approved by the Chamber of Deputies.

The debate had the participation of representatives of the employers’ confederations and was the first in a series to listen to sectors of society. The coordinator of the CNA Economic Nucleus, Renato Conchon, represented the entity in the discussions.

Conchon said that some points of the proposal approved by the deputies need to be improved by the senators. “It is important that there are no setbacks,” he pondered. And he mentioned the need to increase from 60% to 80% the reduction in the standard rate of Value Added Tax (VAT) so that there are no reflections on food prices and the consequent increase in inflation.

The coordinator also defended the increase in the annual income limit, from R$ 3.6 million to R$ 4.8 million, which exempts the individual rural producer from being a taxpayer.

“Our concern is that those who are in the range between R$ 3.6 million and R$ 4.8 million will have an increase in bureaucracy. A reform that would be to simplify will be precisely increasing this bureaucracy, ”she said.

The coordinator also spoke of the repeal of the article that deals with the creation of a state fund. In his assessment, this point could, even if indirectly, tax exports of agricultural products.

“We cannot migrate to a new VAT model and allow charging on exports”. The coordinator also defended the exemption from the Causa Mortis Transfer and Donation Tax (ITCMD) in cases of family succession for small properties.

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