Coach ‘Calvo do Campari’ defends himself after actress registers BO

by time news

Lívia La Gatto registers BO for death threat of coach Thiago Schutz

The “manhood coach” Thiago protection
posted this Monday (27) a video defending herself against the accusations made by the actress and comedian Livia La Gatto
. The artist filed a police report after being threatened on social media by the digital influencer.

“You have 24 hours to remove your content about me. After that it’s process or bullet. you choose”, sent the boy, who identifies himself on digital platforms as Manual Red Pill.

Lívia published, on February 13, a video mocking Schutz’s lines, which tries to teach women the way they should behave.

After the repercussions of the case, the influencer defended himself. “I’m a guy who uses a lot of slang. I swear a lot. It’s the way I communicate. I’m not ashamed to talk to myself that way (…) When I use candy, it’s not in the literal sense. It’s a bullet, a gear, punch the stick, let’s go”, commented Thiago Schutz.

Schutz said he sent the message to the comedian because he was “attacked several weeks ago for no reason”.

“Things have gone a bit over the edge. From a simple joke involving a drink, it escalated to a series of lies and other attacks that came at me,” he tried to justify. “Emotions are there to be felt. As I feel, so do you. To be clear, again, I never had an interest in taking anyone’s life, threatening anyone.”

Finally, he assured that he does not carry a weapon and has never stopped at the police station for any crime he has committed. “I’m 34 years old, no criminal record. I don’t carry a gun, I don’t participate in a shooting club. I would be unable to shoot or injure anyone,” he concluded.

police report

In addition to the threats, Thiago tried several times to call the actress on Instagram, where both have professional accounts. But before that, she sent a ‘bullet’ threat if she didn’t pull the comic piece off the air in ’24 hours’.

After the case went viral, two other women also claimed to have received threats from the ‘coach.

Due to the content of the threats, Lívia’s lawyer says that a protective measure was also requested. She awaits a return from the authorities to take the appropriate measures.

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