“Coach quantik”, “passer of souls”… These new esoteric professions

by time news

2023-08-16 08:50:00

“Biomedical psychologist”, “cellular memory trainer”, “soul ferryman”… As esoteric trends evolve, new activities appear in alternative directories and among the guests of festivals dedicated to the genre. Often at the crossroads of personal development and coaching, which have been booming in recent years, these practices arouse vocations and retraining, even as professional bifurcations have exploded since the health crisis. How many French people have left everything for a spiritual activity? Difficult to say, since most of these “trades” are not recognized and therefore not listed, but their growth can be measured by the explosion in the number of training courses.

Biomedical Psychogenealogist

What would Colbert think of this commotion? At the beginning of May, the Château de Flaugergues in Montpellier, property of the family of the former minister of Louis XIV, is the scene of an alternative fair organized by the association Energy Movement for Terrestrial Evolution, or Meet. On the program: markets and conferences. Under the windows of the building, facing about twenty people, Eduard and Judith Van den Bogaert, flowered shirt and purple dress, present their profession which consists of “helping” their customers by revealing the traumas of their ancestors.

If scientists study the influence of stress on genes, the duo offers workshops to undo “inherited unconsciousness”. With great strokes of dubious syllogisms, they claim to be able to save the audience from their “family demons” with, as a therapeutic tool, a genealogical drawing to be done oneself. The shapes and colors chosen would reflect the unsaid and unsaid, imprisoned by our ancestors, stuck somewhere in our soul. Enough to reveal the unmentionable secrets of each…

Cellular memory trainer

For any “future” profession, its training is beyond price. The Cellular Memory School, founded by Véronique Brousse, creator of “cellular bioreasonance”, is one of them. In twenty days, students can learn to “capture the impregnation of our cells to reach the physical imprint in the body in order to decode the constant chatter between our cells”. The same school offers the “born to oneself” training, in order to “meet our parental couple in our body”, as the trainer explains in a video. Count 1,050 euros. And for 2,000 euros more, the “path from my conception to my birth” offers a “gestation” by thought, but in water. “Water is an exceptional conductor that enhances body awareness,” the website further assures. Each course mixes psychoanalysis, biology, esoteric and Buddhist healing. The course is not yet known but already threatened: some sell “quantum” machines capable, it seems, of the same care… At 10,000 euros each. Available at any self-respecting esoteric fair.

ferryman of souls

More and more stars are praising soul smugglers, specialists in cleaning places, objects and bodies inhabited by the wandering dead. Recently, one of these specialists from beyond the grave came to EnjoyPhoenix, one of the most famous beauty influencers in France. Thanks to his connection with the stars and a few artifacts, he purified the house before the videographer moved there. All for a few hundred euros.

The profession is a kind of updating of feng shui and reiki, which also integrate the notions of “energy balance” of space. But it especially highlights the role of the psychopomp, a mystical character present in various forms (angels, saints, spirits) in many religions and beliefs, who must lead the dead into the afterlife, such as Hades and Hermes in the Greek mythology.

Coach quantik

The fashion for “wellness” increasingly includes spiritual, even esoteric dimensions. This is the case of “quantik coaches”, a new form of personal support which is very freely inspired by quantum physics, while attributing to it a magical power. Armed with the principle that “mind influences matter”, the coach must learn to detect our obstacles to happiness, specifies Catherine Leclercq, one of these practitioners, on her website. Like her, many followers take at face value theories that suggest that quantum phenomena are involved in the functioning of the brain and consciousness. Without any scientific basis.

#Coach #quantik #passer #souls.. #esoteric #professions

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