Cofepris launches against false cosmetic surgery courses

by time news
  • Joint work will increase the level of compliance with current regulations in establishments where cosmetic surgeries are performed.
  • The pilot review program will begin in Yucatán, Guerrero, Durango and Mexico City and will later be extended to the rest of the country.
  • When a fake surgeon performs an operation, he not only commits a crime but also endangers the integrity of the patient.

Cosmetic surgery is an alternative used by millions of people around the world. Sometimes it is generated to solve a health problem and in others it is only for aesthetic purposes. Regardless of the reason, the most important thing is always to go with a true expert in the area because otherwise there are different consequences that can occur.

Who should do cosmetic surgeries?

In this sense, the appropriate specialist is General Surgery and must also be certified. In this way you can be sure that you have the necessary studies and knowledge to carry out a procedure of this type.

The problem is that in recent years there has been a proliferation of fake plastic surgeons in the country. In this case, they are general practitioners who only take a course lasting a few months and from then on they pose as specialists. The reality is that they are not and they not only commit a crime but also put the health of patients at risk.

Based on the above, the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) and the General Directorate of Health Quality and Education (DGCES) of the Ministry of Health published a statement.

They announced that they carry out joint actions so that establishments where aesthetic surgeries comply with current regulations. Therefore, they agreed to establish a permanent work group to detect irregular sites that offer false courses, diplomas, master’s degrees or other supposed training programs on cosmetic surgery.

At this meeting, chaired by the federal commissioner, Alejandro Svarch Perez and the general director of Quality and Health Education, Jose Luis Garcia Cejait was determined that the work table be permanent and begin operations with a pilot program in Yucatán, Guerrero, Durango and Mexico City and, later, it spreads to the rest of the country.

Likewise, the exchange of information between both institutions and the scheduling of joint verification visits to health establishments where cosmetic surgeries are performed was agreed.

A cosmetic surgery performed by a fake doctor can be deadly

These actions will increase the level of compliance with current regulations in health establishments, as well as the identification of risk points in the provision of medical services, preventing serious injuries such as organ loss, nosocomial infections, and even death.

Cofepris continues to create alliances with government institutions to strengthen, within its area of ​​competence, surveillance of products and/or services in order to ensure that suppliers and service providers comply promptly with the provisions of the General law of health.

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