Coffee, pastry and celebrities: three cafes owned by famous people

by time news

The Israeli celeb culture, befitting the nickname that stuck to it, is an egg. And an egg is not easy to get out. But in the last year we found several cases in which various celebrities turned to a rather surprising path – the world of restaurants. And specifically, for some reason – the world of coffee shops. It started about a year ago, with the first rumor about the launch of a first cafe by Yad Eliyahu, continued with a sandwich that brought back the great provocateur of the beginning of the millennium and reached its climax with the opening of a home cafe in Florentine, if in my house you mean Tom Yaer’s house.

Tom Yaer coffee house

The latest addition to the small and strange list of cafe-owning celebs is the comedian who was once called by the almost derogatory nickname “alternative”, but today she is in the mainstream of the mainstream. So mainstream, that she opened a cafe in Florentine with her partner Yaron Sivan, the owner of “Home Studio” which is located right above the cafe. So, as you may have noticed, the words “coffee” and “home” are a recurring motif, and accordingly, Cafe Beit offers a neighborhood coffee experience in Easy along with pastries and sandwiches made on the premises: zucchini muffin with cream, scones with jam and sour cream and breakfast sandwiches in pita or sourdough bread for example Salami, herring, gouda and PB&J. Who knows – if you sit there you might see Eli Finish.
Frankel 43

Running and without splashing. Cafe Bayit (photo from the Instagram page @cafe_bayit)

Haim Tsinovich the returner

It is not certain that the members of Generation Z will recognize Tsinowitz as a celebrity – perhaps as the man behind the wonderful and silly Coke hit “Heat the Plate” – but everyone who lived here at the beginning of the millennium remembers “Hashroff”, the mysterious figure and, of course, the original Uncle Farouk. Now, anyway, he is one of a long list of owners of a community cafe in the Ramat Israel neighborhood (it’s okay, we didn’t really remember that it was east of Bitzron either. Don’t feel bad). “The Shobach” was a restaurant that closed due to Corona, and was purchased by a group of buyers that includes, apart from Tsinowitz, also chef Shahar Levy, nightlife man Oren Dolphin and his partner, fitness trainer Ira Dolphin and Eyal Ozeri. Besides coffee (Obaisli), you can come and taste the sandwich called “Hashroff” – which includes roasted vegetables, burnt tomato spread and salty cheese. Ask for extra spicy.
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A neighborhood initiative.  The Shubach (photo: Ran Biran)

A neighborhood initiative. The Shubach (photo: Ran Biran)

His uncle flew statement

With all due respect to Tom Yaer and Haim Tzinovich, they too must admit that Tesa’s uncle’s cafe excites her dozens of times more. I mean, it’s fucking Uncle Tessa! So in addition to being an amazing creator, he is also a pioneer – the founder of the first cafe in Yad Eliyahu. Yes, the eastern and quiet neighborhood. Amira Cafe, which opened about a year ago, mainly offers outdoor space for casual outdoor seating, but to us it sounds like a great opportunity to ambush Peking Dodo Tessa. Or as has been said before, a glorious failure is better than dreams in a drawer.
The Palmach 28

What, won't you have coffee with Uncle Tessa?  Cafe Amira (Photo: Instagram Cafe Amira)

What, won’t you have coffee with Uncle Tessa? Cafe Amira (Photo: Instagram Cafe Amira)

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