Cold or allergy? These are the symptoms to differentiate it

by time news

The worst of winter seems to have passed and it is still early to talk about spring, but the truth is that those around us who do not have a cough have a fever and those who don’t have discomfort or a runny nose. It’s all viruses in our environment, although pollen levels are already on the rise, so possibly allergies are already here, or it’s just a cold. How to distinguish it?

From Meteored they warn that these days high concentrations of pollen are expected in some regions of Spain and, although it may surprise, winter allergies are more common than one tends to think, since in Spain, some trees such as alders and cupressaceae begin their flowering in the winter season.

Common and different symptoms


The pathology of allergies to pollen in winter includes symptoms such as itchy nose and eyes, as well as runny nose, throat irritation, sneezing and tiredness. Some of these symptoms are also compatible with colds, except for itchy eyes and nose.

On some occasions, allergies can be accompanied by a cough, but it is not the most characteristic symptom, unlike colds, which also may present general aches and painswhile an allergy does not produce these symptoms.

Different origin, different treatment

While colds are caused by viruses, allergies are reactions of the immune system itself, so the treatment for both must also be different.

Treatment for a common cold may include rest, pain relievers or decongestants, and duration can be from 5 to 7 daysalthough some can last for up to two or three weeks.

Allergies, for their part, are treated with antihistamines, nasal sprays and also with decongestants and the duration can be several weeksas it depends on exposure to allergens.

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