Cold prolongs life .. German researchers provide a scientific explanation!

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Cold prolongs life .. German researchers provide a scientific explanation!


Through previous studies, it was shown that cold can extend life, but the scientific explanation remained unclear. Now German researchers have come up with amazing results that they hope will help them treat diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Lower body temperature may help extend life, which has been proven by many studies studies conducted on many organisms, including cold-blooded animals such as fish, flies, and mammals.

In nematodes, for example, it was found that lowering their temperature from 20 to 15 degrees Celsius greatly extends their life. The same applies to mice, where a 0.5°C drop in body temperature had a clear effect.

The results of previous studies also showed the effect of low temperature the body on aging in humans. The reason for this was previously unclear. Now a team of researchers from the University of Cologne (Cologne) in Germany has presented a possible explanation for this phenomenon.

They examined nematodes as well as cultured human cells. Both carried the genetic material for two neurodegenerative diseases – diseases of the nervous system caused by a progressive decrease in nerve cells, most notably amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington’s disease.

These diseases develop with age and appear as a result of harmful accumulations of deposits protein with the body.

Eliminate clumping of proteins

In their study, the results of which were published in the journal Nature Aging, it was revealed Researchers Colin reports that proteins that tend to clump together were shed by a cellular mechanism when the temperature dropped slightly—in both nematode worms and human cells. This prevented the build-up of protein deposits associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington’s disease.

The results thus suggest that even a slight decrease in body temperature can extend life.

The researchers hope that promising new approaches to treatment can be developed diseases associated with age.

considered as aging The biggest risk factor for various nervous system diseases, in which protein aggregation occurs. In addition to Huntington’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), these diseases also include Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

A.M./ A.H

The ten secrets to delay aging

When was the last time you danced even inside your house? If this was more than a week ago, you should repeat the matter quickly. Dancing, according to what experts said to the German “Govemin” website, improves mood and helps to relax.

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Laughter, enjoyment, and forgetting worries..This is the result of meeting close friends, all of which improve the psychological state and, of course, are reflected in health.

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Experts advise bringing the bedtime forward by 30 minutes every day, as lack of sleep means accelerating the effects of impotence and aging.

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Eating milk (yogurt) daily reduces the risk of diabetes, and fresh fruits can be chopped on yogurt for those who do not like its taste, or mixed with honey.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Ignore the elevator at the entrance to your home or workplace, and take the stairs. Every additional movement benefits the body and keeps obesity away from you.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Watch your breathing and if you find it fast and shallow, know that this contributes to an increase in stress. So you need to change it immediately. The best way is to breathe slowly and deeply, as this helps to relax.

The ten secrets to delay aging

The weather is bad and the work day is tiring? Try, however, to laugh, as some say that “every minute of laughter extends a person’s life by an hour.”

The ten secrets to delay aging

Drinking coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease, but limit it to four cups a day.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Small quarrels from time to time are good for health, as they help to get rid of the things that bother you, so talk frankly about what bothers you, even if the dialogue gets heated and approaches the brink of a quarrel.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Limit TV time and computer use an hour per day. And during this hour, walk in the open air, as this helps in burning calories and clearing the mind. Writer: Ibtisam Fawzy

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