Coldiretti, ’12 billion aspartame business, better natural sugars’

by time news

2023-07-14 14:55:57

“The presence of aspartame in numerous industrial-type food products, such as snacks, snacks, carbonated drinks, ice creams, yoghurts, chewing-gum and dietary items, today develops a business of 12 billion euros worldwide”. This is what emerges from an analysis by Coldiretti, released by the association on the occasion of the classification of the sweetener as a possible carcinogen for humans (group 2B), announced by the World Health Organization. Coldiretti recommends “preferring instead of natural sugars, from honey to sugar up to stevia, while for industrial products it is possible to use fructose which is the natural sugar of fruit”.

“Recognizable on product labels by the initials E951 – recalls Coldiretti in a note – aspartame is used as an artificial sweetener in diet products, even if over the years it has been at the center of numerous doubts about the ability of these foods to make you lose weight , as well as controversies on the potential risks associated with its consumption, exposing less careful consumers, often the youngest, to cumulative effects”.

For the association, “the declaration of this substance as potentially carcinogenic also demonstrates the unreliability of the Nutriscore color label proposal, which currently in supermarkets rejects foods with natural sugars with the red color and promotes the best-known carbonated drinks with the green one rich in aspartame and artificial sweeteners, of which the complete recipe is not even known”. Not only that: “Doubts and concerns about an artificial sweetener such as aspartame on the market for 40 years – adds Coldiretti – should also lead to prudence and respect for the precautionary principle in the face of the arrival of artificial and synthetic foods” .

To oppose synthetic foods, recalls Coldiretti, “an unprecedented, broad and composite alliance was born which includes ACLI, AcliTerra, Adusbef, Anpit, Asi, AssoBio, Consumer Center Italy, Cia, Cna, Città del Vino, Città dell’olio, Codacons, Codes, Consulta district of food, Ctg, Coldiretti, Demeter, Ecofuturo, Ewa, Federbio, Federparchi, Fipe, Qualivita Foundation, Una Foundation, UniVerde Foundation, Globe, Greenaccord, Gre, Italia Nostra, Kyoto Club, Consumers League, Masci, Consumer Movement, Naturasi, Salesians for social work, Slow food Italy, Unpli, Wilderness”.

“The initiative – explains the note – was launched by the representatives of the various organizations and has as its primary objective the signing of a Manifesto to explain the reasons for the alliance and open discussions with institutions, associations, the scientific world, businesses and citizens to the start of a battle – the one against synthetic and artificial food – which can also be won in a European projection, in the certainty of acting for the common good.An assumption of responsibility in the search for technical and value reasons to counter real risks of rural desertification, financial speculation and patent monopoly, together with alarming consumer health concerns”.

#Coldiretti #billion #aspartame #business #natural #sugars

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