Coldiretti: «Wolf, the reduction of protection is a step forward for breeders» – News

by times news cr

TRENTO. “The downgrading of the protection status of the wolf, from rigorous to simple, decided by the EU States responds to the requests of Coldiretti, our breeders and farmers, to have greater flexibility to actively manage critical concentrations of wolves. It is a notable step forward in the approach to the management of an evident imbalance which has led to dozens of attacks in Trentino Alto Adige with very serious consequences and is causing the progressive abandonment and impoverishment of our countryside and mountains. Finally the emergency is being addressed in a concrete way”. The president of Coldiretti Trentino Alto Adige Gianluca Barbacovi.

“The attacks of wolves – continues Barbacovi – cause every year the death of hundreds of sheep, goats, cows, donkeys and horses with increasingly frequent massacres on farms and mountain pastures they are leading to the collapse of mountain farmsworsening the danger of abandonment of these areas”.

Barbacovi also recalls how Trentino Alto Adige is “among the territories at a national level most affected by the presence of large carnivores, we must move from conservation to management. Alpine pastures and pastures are fundamental to safeguard the excellence and production linked to our history and our traditions, with positive implications also for the tourism sector. At a European level we have been fighting for months to concretely modify the Habitats Directive, it would have an important impact on the conservation and management of these large carnivores, because according to the laws of many EU countries the definition of “protected species” rather than “strictly protected” allows greater flexibility in the management of this phenomenon 25,000 wolves at European level we can no longer talk about an animal in danger of extinction.”

2024-09-28 21:12:24

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